Chapter Twenty-Four

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As the sun began to shine against my eyelids, I opened them up to realize I was not only alone in bed but today was my wedding day. I was finally going to see Cody again and I was happy to know in just a few short hours my name wouldn’t be Andriacchi any longer. I’d be Mrs. Cody Carson very soon.

        I heard a ruckus in the kitchen and knew right away all the girls we here and ready to start getting me all gussied up for the wedding. I got up out of bed and began walking down the hall to only be quickly grabbed by Marie and rushed back into my room and shoved through the bathroom doorway. She started to rip my clothes off and I kept hitting her to make her stop which only made her shove me into the shower and start it.

        “Marie!” I screamed, “Make it warm water.”

        She smiled, “I’m sorry.”


        I quickly took my shower so Marie would leave me alone before jumping out as she turned it off and into my robe. She rushed me to the living room so that she can start working on my hair. I knew there was a reason I wasn’t looking forward to this morning. It was going to be a long morning getting all ready.

        I wanted nothing more than to call Gabby, but Dan wouldn’t let me. He grabbed my phone away after the first time and kept it on him. I knew I wasn’t supposed to really talk to her or see her until she was walking down the aisle but I wanted to see her already. Dan placed his hand on my back and I turned to look at him.

        “You’ll see her in a few hours dude.” He said.

        I sighed, “I just want to talk to her already. It’s been three days.”

        “You’ll live. Just remember in a few hours she’ll walk through those doors and make your jaw drop, like it’s the first time you’re seeing her.” He said as he pointed down the aisle.

        “Why are we here so early?” I asked

        He smiled, “Because there are a few things that Marie and Rey wanted me and Zach to do.”

        “Like?” I replied.

        “That’s for you to find out later.” He said.

        I went back to the room I was told I need to use to get ready in and started to get dressed. I had a gut feeling that before I knew it, it would be time to stand at the alter and waiting for my lovely bride to walk down the aisle. And just like I thought here I was, standing at the alter waiting. I knew it’d be a little bit before it would start, since I had been already warned by Rey about her nerves.

        I stood behind the door waiting; Andrew placed his hands on my shoulders. I turned to look at him as he wrapped his arms around my body. I was seconds from hyperventilating. Why was I so nerves? I was only walking down the aisle and I had someone I trusted with my life walking me down it. He held me close to his chest, to insure I would calm down.

        “Calm down, you’ll do great and I promise I won’t let you trip and fall.” He said.

        I smiled, “Thank you, Andrew.”

        “Are you ready?” he asked.

        I pushed myself out of his arms and walked over to the mirror nearby so I could look myself over; I looked gorgeous in my flowing white gown. I was so glad I had decided on this dress. It was gorgeous and I knew Cody was going to love it. I turned back to Andrew and shook my head.

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