Chapter Ten

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A few weeks had passed and although we were back in town, Gabby was spending more time with Cody then the rest of us. I mean, I know he was her boyfriend, but really? I’m her brother and I think I’m a great guy, what’s not to like about me? I mean it was already bad enough I’d have to deal with their annoying kissing sounds for a week, while we visit Marie. I was thrilled to be going to see her, I love Marie with my whole heart, but I’d rather fly then be stuck in that van with Cody and kissy face for fifteen plus hours.

        Gabby started to snap her fingers in front of my face, “What brat?”

        “Earth to Maxx, who’s driving the first few hours?” she asked.

        “Man did you guys do a stupid “not it” game again without me paying attention, because that’s totally unfair.” I said and they laughed, “I say recall.”

        “One, two, three. Not it!” Gabby yelled.

        Cody laughed but yelled it out, as well as the rest of them, “Not, fuck!”

        “Looks like you’re driving first big bro.” she said as she rubbed my head.

        I pushed her, “No kissing!”

        “I’m not making any promises Maxx.” Cody said as he pushed Gabby in the van.

        “I hate you both.” I said.

        Gabby laughed, “I love you too.”

        We all got into the van; I of course got into the front seat to start driving. Once I had the van started, we started our drive to Ohio. Well I started our drive to Ohio. I wasn’t thrilled of the idea of being the first to drive, but I lost fair in square. Most days I wished we’d all grow up and moved past these childish games, but then the next I remembered it was what kept us all sane.

        We had to of been driving for a few hours, at least it felt like we had been. I looked down at the clock only to be disappointed. It had only been an hour since we started out drive. A few of the guys were napping, then there was Gabby and Cody and I already wanted to strangle them both. I could hear the sound of lips smacking, the sound of tongues touching, and I was seconds from pulling this van over and throwing them both out.

        “Hey!” I yelled, “Stop!”

        Cody laughed, “My bad.”

        “Your right, you’re bad.” I mumbled under my breath.

        I looked over to see Dan was staring at me. I gave him a small smile and he laughed. He thanked me for getting the two annoying lip smacking lovers to shut up, and Cody just kept laughing in the back at both Dan and I. We all sat quietly again, while I drove.

        We had gone about another two hours with no sound when the lover birds started to make gag worthy sounds, I was done. So done, I noticed there was a truck stop which happened to have a Taco Bell, so I decided to pull off. Once the van started to slow down all the guys started to move around, well everyone but Cody and Gabby.

        “Alright, we’re going to eat because I’m hungry and tired of listening to my sister make out with my lead singer.” I said, as I jumped out.

        Cody laughed, “So if I wasn’t you’re lead singer this would be okay?”

        “I’m not against hurting you, dude.” I threatened.

        “Hey, you’ve been my big brother for like five minutes, so shut up and let me enjoy my boyfriend, who happens to be you’re lead singer.” Gabby snapped, “So cry me a river, baby.”

        “You don’t get tacos now.” I stated, and she pouted, “Okay fine, just one.”

        Cody laughed, “Wait, I came up with the band, don’t tell me what to do!”

        “I’ll tell you what to do all I want, I’m driving.” I yelled.

        “I can change that, Zach you’re driving.” Cody yelled.

        Zach sighed, “Come on, we’re all tried of the lips smacking, just stop making out and Maxx will shut up.”

        “Ha! See I’m not the only one annoyed by it.” I snapped.

        Gabby laughed, “no but you are the only one complain about it.”

        “Whatever, let’s go eat. I’m starving.” I said.

        I walked off in the direction of the entrance and pulled the door open, the bell rang and the cashier looked up at me with a smile. I gave her a smile back before ordering my food. The rest of the guys started to make their way into the building, or at least I thought they all had.          

“What are you getting?” Zach asked.

        I laughed, “Food.”

        “Okay smartass.” Austin said with a laugh.

        My order arrived and I went to find us a seat. Once I was seated I started to eat, only to be interrupted by the sound of giggling and the bell ringing. I looked up to see Gabby on Cody’s back and Cody struggling to open the door. I rolled my eyes, but kept eating. Austin walked over with his tray of food, and I sighed.

        “They’re really bothering you aren’t they?” he asked.

        I shrugged, “Sort of.”

        “Well what is it?” he pushed for an answer.

        “I just miss Marie is all that’s really wrong.” I admitted.

        He smiled, “So it’s not anything they’re doing then?”

        “Well it’s everything they are doing; I don’t have Marie to sound out their disgusting smacking.” I said with a laugh.

        He smiled, “That’s true.”

        Once everyone was done eating we got back into the van, only I made Cody drive. Gabby wasn’t too thrilled but I told her just to sit in front with him. She’d live without making out for a few hours. She punched me of course, but I was glad to be able to have a peaceful drive for a few hours. I loved my sister very much, but if I had to listen to her lock lips with Cody one more time, I just might strangle her or feed her to wolves. We had at least 15 more hours to go and all I could think about was ways to greet Marie and introduce her to my baby sister I never even knew about.

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