Chapter one.

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Mally's POV

Today's the day - I'm gunna do it; I'm gonna escape today, I know it. I fixed my clothes, and tied my hair up.

Here I go.

I opened my door, looked left and right for anny scientists or guards, then made a run for it, quickly shifting into a red haired mouse and scampering across the floor.

Thankfully, I didn't meet anyone while I was escaping until I got to a door; I quickly became human again, but was nearly knocked off my feet, as a girl, or young woman knocked me over. She looked nervous, probably thinking I was a guard. She visibly relaxed when she saw I wasn't, and helped me up.

"You escaping too?" She asked quietly, looking around. I nodded, and went to open the door, but stopped as I realised it was locked, with a specialised keypad, too.

"Great." I groaned, putting a hand over my eyes.

"I can fix that," The girl said, grinning as she tapped the keypad. "Two...four....nine....six.."

The keypad beeped and the doors opened.

"How'd you know the code?" I asked in surprise, stepping outside for the first time in ... Ten years? Yeah, ten.

"I watched the guards doing it," she said, "and memorised the code."

I smiled and glanced up at the dark sky, I'd almost forgotten what it looked like. The Stars twinkled merrily and the moon cast its light over everything. It was mesmerising.

"Where are you planning on going?" The girl asked me. I realised I had no plan at all.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Far away from here."

"I have a brother, who works for SHEILD, we'd be safe there.." She said, looking at me.

"I -" I began, but she cut me off.

"No buts, cmon."

"Okay," I laughed softly. "Here we go."

We ran through bushes, past trees and hid when we heard yelling.

"What's your name?" The girl asked, as we hid behind a black car.

"Mally," I replied.

"Hey, Mally, I'm Skye." Skye said, smiling.

"Pleased to meet you." I replied.

And that was the start of a beautiful friendship.

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