Chapter nine

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Mally's POV

I was sitting alone, looking through one of the books Bruce gave me. Something about the stars, or the planets. To be honest it was boring me a little - there was hardly any pictures, and too much writing.

I sighed, and put my head in my arms, closing my eyes for a moment. I was tired. Bruce had been lending me several books he thought I might enjoy, trying to get me caught up on my schooling.

I was grateful for his help, but was finding it hard to focus on my reading.

Suddenly, shouts could be heard from outside, and Tony, Steve, Nat, Skye, Bruce, Thor, and Fury burst in.

"Tell the truth, Fury!" Tony said.

"About what?" Fury said, folding his arms. I got off the table and stood next to Skye.

"You're planning on harnessing the tesseracts power to create a weapon!" Steve said coldly, giving Fury a glare. I gasped softly, and looked at Skye. She looked as shocked as I was. Clearly she hadn't known either.

Fury was silent, and this proved to me that Steve was right. I didn't even know what to say.

I blanked out for a minute, wondering what Fury planned on using the tesseract for. Obviously a weapon, but why? What for?

Then, everything blew up.

* * *

I groaned, opening my eyes. Smoke floated in front of my vision, and I could smell fire burning. My ears were ringing. I sat up, and blinked, spotting Steve, Skye, and Tony scattered across the room.

"What happened?" I said, standing up, and rifling around for my suit.

"Loki's army," Steve said, coughing, and standing up, dusting off his super suit.

Then, below us there was the unmistakable sound of a loud growl.

"The hulk.." Skye whispered. I felt the colour drain from my face and fitted on my helmet. I gulped.

Steve pulled me out, and Tony/Iron man nearly knocked us over. "Cmon! Let's go get Reindeer games' henchmen!" He yelled. Steve and Skye went to help, and I kept running, realising I wasn't that good a fighter.

I could still hear the hulk below, and I hoped that he wouldn't move from the ground floor.

I morphed into my wolf form, finding it easier to blend in with the grey smoke, searching for any of Loki's men. I attacked some of them, but mostly hid.

I know, I'm a coward - but hey! I don't know how to use weapons.

I turned human again, and fixed my helmet, glancing around the room/ corridor I was in, spotting Thor in the corner fighting Loki's minions.

But where was Loki?

I was in the control rooms now, and I spotted Phil Coulson, I ran over to talk to him, when I stopped. He was talking to someone in the shadows - someone I couldn't see.

I morphed into a mouse, and listened. Phil was talking to Loki; his voice was unmissable.

Loki revealed himself, wearing his usual smirk. I couldn't really hear what they were saying, but then I spotted his sceptre. Loki was right up close to Phil now, and Phil had his gun pointed at Loki's abdomen. Surprisingly, the God didn't look afraid.

Then another Loki appeared behind   Phil, without him noticing, and I opened my mouth to scream, to alert Coulson, but then Loki stabbed him in the back, literally.

I screamed then, a second too late, and Loki turned, spotting me instantly. For a second he looked hurt, then that expression disappeared and he called his leftover minions and left. I morphed human again, and went over to Phil.

I hadn't known him at all - but I'd liked him. He was the first person I met (other than Skye's brother) who'd shown me care.

"Phil.." I whimpered. "You're gunna be okay."

Fury appeared behind me, immediately going to Phil's side, and gripping his hand. "You can't leave Agent, we need you." He said.

I stepped back, and sat in the corner, pulling my knees up to my chest.

"I'm sorry, Fury," Phil said softly, his blood pooling around him, then he stopped moving, his hand frozen in Fury's grip and his eyes unblinking.

I felt something crack inside of me, perhaps my sanity? And ran off towards my room, not being able to watch this anymore.

I felt dead inside; and it was all Loki's fault.

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