Chapter eleven.

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Mally's POV;

I had barely left my room, only for food, so I wouldn't starve to death. Laying back on my bed staring at the ceiling, I sighed.

"Mall, Steve and Tony want to talk to us in Tony's lab." Skye said, entering. I sat up, and followed her out silently. We arrived at Tony's lab, were he was pacing.

"Capsicule and I have reason to believe that Loki is going to attack here." Tony said. Steve narrowed his eyes at the nickname, but nodded in agreement.

"Here? Why here?" Skye asked, folding her arms.

"Because he wants an audience," Steve replied, glancing at all of us. I nibbled my lip, playing with my hands behind my back.

"Well if Loki is coming, we must be ready." Natasha said, her face blank, and unafraid. Her eyes were sharp, focused.

"Indeed," Steve agreed. "We should probably get ready to fight."

We all split up then, getting suited up. I got my leather dress on, and put on my helmet, the cat ears polished, the green metal gleaming. I closed my eyes, and sighed. Trying to get into the mindset of a battle warrior.

Oh god what're you doing? You're not a warrior! My mind screamed. I owned my eyes. I am; I'm quick, and decent at hand-to-hand combat. I can do this.

I inhaled, and exhaled, stepping out of my room and joining Skye. This is for Phil.

* * *

Tony flew up to meet Loki in his iron man suit. Perhaps he hoped he would be able to change his mind. We all waited silently (minus Thor who had gone missing in action. We guessed it had something to do with Loki, again.)

I was pacing, unable to stay still, rubbing my hands together. Loki will pay.

Then, all chaos ensued. Beasts that I can only describe as aliens burst into the helacarrier, and started attaching us. A scream left my lips as I ducked to avoid the glass from the windows. The battle had begun.

Nat, Skye, and I (along with Steve) all fought, and then a loud roar could be heard. It was the Hulk. He took out hundreds of the aliens at a time, so we were grateful.

I turned into a lioness, and took out a few, using my claws and teeth to attack, whilst Skye used her telekinesis to her advantage. Nat, Steve and Tony all fought too, but the aliens just kept coming.

One kicked me in my side, causing me to yelp, but I batted it away with my paws and fought on, teeth bared.

There was no sign of Loki, until I spotted him in the corner, fighting with . . . Was that Thor?

It was! Thor had somehow got back! The two brothers were fighting, swords and staffs clashing as Thor wielded his hammer, and lightning flashed. It was neck and neck.

A few more 'aliens' got flung back, due to The Hulk, and Hawkeyes excellent aim, his arrows hitting every target.

I gulped, circling Skye, and hitting occasional aliens, but I was afraid. I didn't like battles.

It's for Phil. It's for Phil.

There was a gargantuan crash, and I looked up to see the Hulk standing over someone, and chuckling.

"Puny God," said the Hulk, and I knew who he was talking to then: Loki. The aliens had all been killed, and it seemed to be over.

I hoped the battle was over.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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