Chapter three

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Mally's POV

Agent Phil Coulson entered the room with the nurses. The nurses measured our heights, weights, and checked for any infections, cuts or bruises. Skye and I were both malnourished and too thin for our ages.

Then Agent Grant, and Phil sat opposite us. The nurses left, and we were expected to tell the two agents how we ended up with Hydra. I felt unexpectedly shy about having to tell them - it was like I was telling them a big secret, even though it wasn't.

I fiddled with my hair, then began. I didn't remember much of them memory, however.

"I was seven," I began. "And I was outside playing on the street, with a wee group of friends. They all went home, but I stayed out playing. I thought I heard something behind me, and I turned around and suddenly someone grabbed me and knocked me out - I awoke probably hours later strapped to a table, with lots of people around me in white coats. I was scared and - and then they took me away and locked me up. Later, they began experimenting.." My voice trailed away and I shivered, holding myself. I didn't like thinking about it.

Skye gave me a pat on my shoulder, and then she began: "You remember don't you, Grant? You took me to a theme park, to get away from our brother and parents, and we were queuing up to go on a ride, when I was grabbed, and pulled away. I screamed, and you tried to get me, but they were too quick, and took me away. Then they experimented on me too, leaving me with the power of telekinesis." She said, her hands shaking a little.

We were both mentally scarred after what had happened to us, and honestly, who could blame us? Being poked, prodded, and jabbed with unknown liquids wasn't good for any young person.

Phil Coulson gave us sympathetic looks, and promised us that we would be safe here. I didn't say anything; he could be lying, just like they lied to me at Hydra, when they said 'this won't hurt at all' and I'd wake up with a bruised arm and fuzzy brain.

Everyone could be lying.

The nurse came back in, with plates of food and water. I picked at the meal, not hungry, and sipped at the water.

I didn't notice if Skye ate her meal or not, as I was in my own little world.

"Mally?" Said Agent Grant. I jumped out of my thoughts, it had been ages since I had been addressed by real name. To Hydra I was merely 'animal-girl' or 'brat.'

I looked at him curiously.

"Are you okay, girls?" He asked us, talking to both me and Skye. Neither of us responded for a while, unsure how to answer.

Finally, I said in a shaky voice.: "Maybe one day we'll be okay. Today's not that day."

Agent Grant nodded in understanding and led us to separate rooms where we could sleep. Pyjamas were also given to us, along with clean clothes, and other daily essentials.

I undressed quickly and got into bed, chuckling when my arm hit something and I found it to be a teddy bear. I hadn't used one in years - Hydra didn't believe in toys - but appreciated the effort, closing my eyes and pulling the blanket closer to me.

I soon fell asleep, but it wasn't peaceful.

Cold laughs, scream and needles being jabbed into my skin. 'Don't worry, it'll all be over soon..' Said a creepy voice.

I awoke, sweating and breathing heavily. It was a dream, just a dream, my mind whispered.

I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, afraid of having more nightmares.

I could only hope Skye wasn't having nightmares either.

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