Chapter eight

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Chapter eight

Skyler's POV

I quickly walked down the corridor to the lab, accidentally bumping into someone on the way. I looked up to see a blushing Steve, holding my arm to make sure I don't fall.

"Oh hey Steve, do you know where the lab is? Stark said he wanted my help" I rolled my eyes at the mention of Stark which made Steve chuckle slightly.

"Oh uh um sure yeah it's this way" He stuttered on his words a little, pointing in the opposite direction of the way I was going. Awkward.

I smiled at him slightly. "Steve you don't need to be nervous" I tried to give him a warm look. It must have been hard for him which I got, it was very different now than to how it used to be.

"Sorry I'm just not really used to talking to beautiful women" He mumbled and blushed again, looking down at his feet quietly which warmed my heart a little.

"Thanks but honestly you don't need to be" I reassured him and placed my hand on his arm in a comforting manner. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Well then I must mention that I'm pretty sure, with no insult to your intelligence, that Tony didn't ask you there for your help if you understand my point" Steve admired shamefully while I just shrugged.

As much as I hated to admit it, I did enjoy spending time was Stark. He was a pain in the ass but he has his funny moments. "Yeah, oh well, Bruce is logical, I'm sure he can give me something to do" I suggested, waving goodbye and making my way down to the lab where Stark and Bruce were. 

"Hey guys, you needed me?" I asked, strolling in. Stark got up with his cocky smile and strolled over.

"Not really, but you know Skyler, you remind me of someone, the girl who's going be to going on a date with me next weekend?" He looked at me with his signature smirk and wiggling eyebrows to which I have him a sarcastic smile.

"You remind me of someone too, the guy who I'm going to turn down two seconds from now" I replied sweetly before turning to Bruce.

"Anyway, is it okay if I use one of the computers? I have some research of my own to do" I explained and he nodded, handing me a laptop to work from.

The door opened again and a cheery looking Mally strolled in, coming over to see what I was doing. "Oh hey Mally" I turned to smile at her.

"Hey Skye"

"You know, you guys should really come to Stark Tower sometime or again, you'd love it it's candy land" Stark began as he walked around the lab. Mally and I have each other a 'really' look.

"We know" I spoke out loud, interrupting him.

"I promise a stress free environment, no surprises"Stark described the tower. Before hitting Bruce with an electric looking people.

"Are you nuts?" A voice sounded as Steve turned up and stormed in, looking annoyed at her.

"Jury's out. Wow you really have got a lid on it haven't you? What's your secret? Mellow jazz, bongo drums, huge bag of weed?" Stark smirked, directing his promise at Bruce.

Steve rolled his eyes. "Is everything a joke to you?" He spat out.

"Funny things are" Stark swiftly answered before tinting away and imagining he wasn't even here.

"You need to focus on the task at hand"

"You don't think I'm not? Why did Fury bring us, why now? I can't do the equation if I don't have all the variables" Stark spoke to Stark and Banner.

Mally shrugged. "Well it's simple isn't it? Get the tesseract back, whatever that is, and peace" she pointed out and everyone else nodded.

"Yeah but what happens to it after? What's phase two?"I spoke up. They had to put the tesseract somewhere. It is extremely powerful so Shirley they are going to do something. 

"My thoughts exactly, that's why in a few minutes I'll know every dirty little secret shield has to offer. Jarvis has been running it since I hit the deck" Stark smirked.

Steve shook his head. "We have orders, we should be following them" he spoke sternly, as if he was our parent or guardian.

"No but what I don't get it okay, Stark and Bruce are here for their brains, you and Natasha for skills but us? I get we have powers but we've only been out of captivity for a week and we have no experience. Why would we be on such a high profile case?" I continued and Banner and Stark nodded in arm ferment with me

"She's right, something doesn't add up" Bruce pointed out and Mally nodded.

"Come on Steve, you can't tell me something doesn't seem a little fishy to you?" I tried to reason with him but he shook his head.

"Find the sceptre"

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