Chapter five

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Mally's POV

After signing up for 'The Avengers' I decided to keep my suit on. Honestly I loved it; it just seemed so me.

That afternoon Nick Fury took Skye and I to meet the other Avengers, and frankly I was nervous. Meeting new people scared me, that's why I was always locked away alone in Hydra, because if I get nervous I can't use my powers.

He took us to a huge building which he told us was called 'Stark Towers' and that Tony Stark, or Iron Man lived in, along with the other Avengers.

The other avengers. Wow, we were actually going to meet superheroes. Real life superheroes.

We had to go up the lift, and then we stepped out to see a man in a Stars and Stripes suit, an auburn haired woman, a normal looking man, a man with blonde hair and armour and a man wearing sunglasses inside (okaayy...)

"Girls this is Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, and Thor." Nick said, pointing to each individually as he spoke.

Wow, okay, all those guys are cute! Like super hot. Tony was looking Skye up and down, a smirk on his face. Steve Rogers approached us first, shaking our hands solemnly, and calling us 'ma'am' it made me giggle - he was adorable!

"Well hello gorgeous," Tony purred, approaching her. Skye rolled her eyes, and stepped away from him.

"Goodbye," she said sweetly, going to talk to Captain America, who was also looking at her with love-sick eyes.

"Hello gorgeous -" Tony now began on me, but I ignored him. He chuckled.

"I like you two." He said, shaking my hand. I laughed too, smiling a little.

"Mally Lawrence." I said. He smiled and went to talk to Fury. I blushed and went and sat down on a table, swinging my legs, feeling shy. Natasha and Thor both came to talk to me. Natasha was like the definition of 'Strong, independent woman' and Thor was so funny, and so loud. He was also so interesting, being the God of Thunder. It made me want to know more about him, and I vowed to ask him questions later. 

I myself wasn't very confident around crowds, unlike Skye, who was laughing and joking with everyone.

I didn't mind though, I was fine with my own company. The normal looking man wearing a brown jumper approached me, sitting down next to me.

"Bruce Banner," he said, smiling at me. I smiled back, feeling shy again.

"Mally," I said.

"You don't like crowds, huh?" He asked. I whistled softly.

"No sir-eee," I said. He chuckled.

"Neither do I," he replied. "I would be fine if I had to live on my own with no one to talk to."

"Me too." I agreed. "It's easier."

There was a silence between us, as we watched Tony try to flirt with Skye again: "My beds cold, come warm it," he said, winking. I snorted loudly and covered my mouth.

Wow. That was terrible!

"Get a hot water bottle then." Skye said tiredly, though I could tell from her smile that she was amused.

I giggled quietly and looked back at Bruce.

"So what do you do then?" I asked him out of curiosity. Obviously being the hulk wasn't a job.

"I study nuclear physics," he told me.

I don't even understand what that means. Damn, being stuck in Hydra for years affected my schooling and education (not that they gave us any).

"That's - that's - I'm sorry I don't know what that means." I stammered, blushing.

"Don't be embarrassed," Bruce said, patting my hand. "I could teach you if you wanted?"

I smiled at him. "Really? Thanks!"

He smiled back. "No problem."

I leaned back against the wall; maybe the Avengers aren't too bad. Maybe i could feel at home here.

Who knows?

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