Chapter seven

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Mally POV

The God Loki got locked up in a high security prison cell, with clear glass surrounding it, and nothing inside except the steel floor below him.

Several of the Avengers visited him, Natasha even tried to get him to crack, but Loki was smart, and gave her vague answers.

I wanted to see the strange Loki, with his curious mannerisms, and glinting green eyes. I also thought it was quite interesting, him being a god and everything.

I morphed into my smallest animal form, a red haired mouse, and slipped past Fury, Skye and the Avengers, almost invisible.

Skye was chatting and laughing with Tony and Cap, and I smiled. She looked so happy with them. I padded down the stairs leading to Loki's cell, humming softly, my eyes trailing everywhere.

I hid behind a door, and watched Loki pacing in his cell, his forehead furrowed in thought. I scampered forward, not too close though. I was wary, and I kept myself hidden.

But he turned his head sharply and looked for me.

"I know you're there! There is no point hiding, foolish mortal." Said the green God. I jumped, and inhaled, deciding to show myself.

I approached the front of his cell and came back into my human form, blushing slightly. "Hi there."

He narrowed his eyes at me, then nodded as if in remembrance. "You were the lion, that attacked me."

I shuffled my feet. "Maybe, maybe not." I said coolly.

"No, it was you, you mewling quim!" Loki said, coming closer to the glass to speak to me. I couldn't help it, I started giggling at his 'insult' to me.

"'Mewling quim'?" I repeated, laughing harder.

Loki shook his head, and face palmed so hard he almost slapped himself. "Stupid mortal."

I, for some reason, felt not as shy around Loki. Perhaps it was because he was locked up. Anyway, I stepped closer towards him, and put him hand up on the glass. "Stupid God." I told him. His eyes widened, and his frown grew. He didn't look pleased. I just smiled sweetly.

"What's your name, mortal?" He asked.

"Mally," I said, watching him carefully. He just gave me a look that screamed 'boredom', and rolled his eyes, clearly not interested.

"If you don't care, why'd you ask?" I said to him, folding my arms.

"Curiosity killed the cat, you know." He told me coldly, obviously telling me it wasn't my business.

"Satisfaction brought it back." I said smugly, grinning. A small smirk flitted across his face, so fast I almost missed it, but it was there.

I stepped back a little, still watching him, but a smile on my face nonetheless. He had gone back to pacing, trying to conquer his boredom.

It reminded me of myself, when I was stuck in Hydra bored out of my wits, and locked in my room. I used to pace the length of my room, muttering to myself so I had someone to talk too.

I decided to leave, and started heading towards the stairs.

"Bye." I told him, looking back. He just gave me a nod.

I reached the door at the top of the stairs and glanced down at him. To my surprise he was already looking up at me.

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