We're Stuck

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The group sits in a circle on the living room floor. Nancy plays her guitar and the rest of the counselors sing along.

Michael row your boat ashore, Hallelujah

Michael row your boat ashore, Hallelujah

Sister help to trim the sails, Hallelujah

Sister help to trim the sails, Hallelujah

The lost teens look at the characters in a mixture of boredom and despair.

Jordan's river is deep and wide, Hallelujah

Got a home on the other side, Hallelujah

"Come on, everyone. Sing along!" Nancy smiles.

Gertie nudges Max. "Duncan is dead. We have to warn them." She whispers.

"Please." Vicki rolls her eyes. "They're morons. I want to know where they keep the hardware in this dump. I want chainsaws and I want big-ass knives and I want them now."

"I'm with Vicki on this one." Trinity says. "We have to find a way to defend ourselves."

"What am I gonna tell our parents?" Gertie worries.

"I don't want to die here, guys." Vicki says.

Max shakes her head. "Me neither. There's got to be a way to get home."

The singing is interrupts by the sound of a car horn and screeching tires.

Paula steps out of the car and pops a cigarette in her mouth, strike a match on her boot and lighting it. She tilts her sunglasses down. "Did I miss the Kumbaya circle?" She smirks.

Nancy smiles as she heads out of the cabin, the rest of the counselors following behind her. "Paula, you're just in time to start setting up for the slumber party."

"Yeah, we took a vote and you get to share my sleeping bag." Kurt leers at her.

Paula pockets her shades. "Thanks, Kurt. But I'm saving myself for someone who doesn't have a needle dick."

The group chuckles. "Yeah, right, it's like a hammer dick, if anything. It's a sledgehammer." He puts his hands on his waist.

"Uh, who are they." Paula gestures to the cabin.

The counselors turn and see the newcomers peeking out of the window, who wave once they've been spotted. "Oh, they're the new counselors." Nancy says. "They're super nice."

"We don't have new counselors."

"Well, now we do." Nancy claps her hands. "All right, guys, let's split up into groups and get busy."

"Whoo!" Tina cheers and the group breaks away.

Paula shakes her head in disbelief.

"That's her. That's Paula." Max says.

Gertie wrings her hands. "She's the final girl, right? She's the one that kills Billy. We just have to stay with her till the end of the movie."

Vicki nods. "I'm sticking to that bitch like white on rice."

"Okay. Now, we just have to keep Billy away from us." Chris says.

"It's just like Duncan said. The moment a top comes off, Billy shows up." Max explains. "Vicki, you and Trinity stick with Paula and Tina."

"Mmm-hmm." She nods.

"Gertie, you take Blake. Chris, take Kurt."

"No, I want Chris to stick with me." Vicki says. Trinity looks towards the ceiling and rolls her eyes.

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