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Chris rolls a blackboard into the room. "All right, guys. No more junior varsity bullshit. We gotta lead with a pro-style offense. Something Billy won't see coming. We have to use everything we have at our disposal. I was thinking the best opportunity for an ambush would be the slumber party, with a few tweaks. That means it's just a question of luring him here at just the right time."

"How are we going to do that?" Max asks him.

"I think I have an idea." He flips the board, revealing his drawn out plan.

"Operation Booby Trap?"

"Yup. And Tina's going to be the bait."

Everyone busies themselves with setting up for the plan. Tina, her hands still trapped in oven mitts, throws a bottle of alcohol to Vicki. Max Nancy and Trinity, collect arrows from the archery targets. Vicki dumps a box of tampons onto the table. Chris holds up a bear trap. Gertie and Blake saw the wood holding up the camp sign.

The lost teenage girls stand on the dock of the lake. Trinity looks at her reflection in the still water. Gertie and Max look at Vicki, who stays turned away from them as she whittles a stake.

"Vicki, are you crying?" Max asks. Trinity turns to see.

"I'm fine." Vicki sniffles. She drops her hands and turns around. "Gertie, I'm sorry for that time in junior high when I told everyone to start calling you 'Ba-chunk-adunk'. And then I covered your locker in bacon. That was so crappy. And I'm so sorry. I'm such a bad person."

"You have your flaws but you're not bad." Trinity tells her. "I know you're not."

"You're not." Gertie tells her. "It's okay. If it makes you feel better, last summer, I'm the one who spread the rumor that said you had a weird disease where you're always on your period."

"Wow." Vicki says, impressed. "That's evil."

"Thank you."

Vicki turns to Max. "Hey, Max, if I'm going to die tonight, then I don't want to die without telling you that when your mom died, you shut down completely." She shakes her head. "And just cut me out of your life. And I missed you. I missed our friendship. And then you two became best friends and, I don't know, I got...jealous. And so, I did some really bad things and I'm not proud of them." She chokes down her tears.

"Vicki-" Max tries.

"No, no, no, just let me finish, okay. I know that I've become a...a..."

"A bitch?" Gertie suggests.

"Yes, thank you. But the thing is, Max, I've always looked up to you because you were always the brave one. So, be brave again."

Max shakes her head. "Vicki, you don't have to die."

"I'm the mean girl in the '80's horror movie. And we're past the mid-point, so, you know...I'd say that I've overstayed my welcome." She looks down.

Trinity speaks up. "Well, I'm the lesbian, so I'll probably die before you, it should give you plenty of time to run for your life."

Vicki looks at her with tears in her eyes before closing the distance between them. She takes Trinity's face in her hands and pulls her in for a deep kiss, surprising Max and Gertie. Vicki pulls away. "I'm not only the mean girl, I'm also an idiot because I spent so much time being afraid to do that in public that I waited until a something as cliché as the moment that I'm about to die to say that I love you without worrying that someone else might hear me."

Tears well in Trinity's eyes. "I love you too." She whispers.

"Not to break the moment here," Gertie says. "But what is going on right now?"

The Final Girls: TrinityWhere stories live. Discover now