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Vicki leans against Trinity on the bed. "Are they gonna wake up anytime soon?" She asks, referring to Max and Chris.

Trinity nuzzles her hair and feeds her a bit of pudding. "Why? Are you bored of me already?"

Gertie shakes her head at Vicki. "I've never seen you act so mushy before."

Trinity smiles "She might act like a bitch sometimes but she's a complete softy."

Vicki rolls her eyes. "This food is so disgusting."

"Speak for yourself, girl." Duncan says, digging into his pudding. "This tapioca pudding is incredible!"

"You've had like 15 of those in the last 30 minutes." Gertie says. "I counted them, 15!"

"Little known fact, I can't stand tapioca pudding."

"The why did you eat 15 of them?"

"Let me eat my feelings in peace." Duncan says. Suddenly Max pulls the curtain away. "Hey!

"Max!" Gertie gets up and hugs her. "You're awake!" She pulls away and goes back to her seat on the bed with Duncan, Vicki, and Trinity.

Duncan holds up his bowl. "When you get a second, try the pudding."

Max looks around the hospital room. "Wait, where are we?"

"We're home." Vicki smiles.

"But was it a dream or..."

Duncan sets his bowl aside and stands up. "No, not at all! Remember?" He lifts up his gown, showing his bruised and stitched side.

"Ugh!" The girl's groan and close their eyes since he isn't wearing anything under the gown. "That is a machete wound," he drops his gown. "poorly stitched by an incompetent doctor. I'm actually more concerned about tetanus though because the machete had a bit of rust on it, and I did not see the doctor give me a shot."

"Duncan," Gertie says. "I love you and I'm so happy you survived," he puts his hands to his chest. "but do you hear yourself when you say things?"

He groans and drops his hands in disappointment. "God."

"Do you hear the words in your head first?"

"And she's back, I feel like the jock at high school just gave me his promise ring."


The teens look around at the sound. They peek out of the hospital room and see a man and woman flirting.

"Doctor, stop."

"Oh, come on." He leans closer. "My shift's almost over."

"I have to do my rounds."

He undoes a button on her shirt. "And what beautiful round they are."

"Oh, my God." Duncan realizes. "Of course." He looks around and spots Tab soda, a rubix cube, a Gremlins flower pot.

"Of course, what?" Max asks.


They turn towards the window and Billy jumps in.

"The sequel!" Duncan smiles. Max grabs and IV pole and twirls it in her hand. "This is so great! The sequel is so much cooler than the original."

Max lets out a battle cry and charges towards Billy.

Trinity coughs and opens her eyes, only to shut them when a bright light is shined in her eyes.

"Miss?" A voice asks. "Miss, can you hear me?"

Trinity opens her eyes and sees an EMT standing above her. She struggle with the oxygen mask on her face and tries to speak. "Where am," She coughs. "Where am I? My," she coughs again. "my friends. Where are my friends?"

"You need to keep that on for a little. You were in a fire at the movie theater. You were found out back with several others." He says.

Trinity removes the mask and gets up, ignoring the man's protests. She jumps out of the truck and sees multiple cop cars, ambulances, and firetrucks surrounding the area.

"Trinity!" She hears.

Vicki runs towards her, Max, Chris, Gertie, and Duncan following behind her. Vicki crashes into her, nearly taking her off her feet as she wraps her in an embrace. "You're here! You're okay! You're okay!"

"Was I dreaming?"

"About the movie? I don't know what the hell happened; just that we killed that bastard twice and now we're home. For real this time! We're home!" She presses her lips to Trinity in a celebratory kiss.

"I'm never gonna get tired of seeing that." Duncan says.

The girls' break apart and glare at him.

"Trinity!" Lexi runs over and wraps her arms around the girl. "I saw what happened on TV and you weren't answering your phone. I'm so glad you're okay." She pulls away from her. "Do you have any idea how scared I was?"

"Considering the situation, I'm pretty sure I was feeling more fear than you were. You know, imminent death and all."

"Yet you still have it in you to be sarcastic. I can tell you're so scarred from the tragic event." She deadpans before noticing Vicki. Lexi frowns. "What are you doing here?"

Vicki leans closer to Trinity. "I'm sticking close to my girlfriend after escaping a burning building together." Lexi shares a look with Trinity, who intertwines her fingers with Vicki. "You heard me, I said my girlfriend. So you can stop glaring at me in the hallways and stuffing threatening letters into my locker."

Gertie raises her hand. "Actually the threatening letters was me. I thought it was funny to watch you freak out."

Vicki looks at her and shakes her head. "Why am I still hanging around you guys?"

"We went through a near death experience. You're kinda stuck with us now."

"Yeah, I am." She smiles and Trinity presses a kiss to her cheek.


The Final Girls: TrinityWhere stories live. Discover now