Freak Out

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Nancy shakes her head. "Not Billy Murphy? I mean, he's just a legend."

Tina gasps. "Oh! I love legends. Loch Ness, Bigfoot, Bon Jovi. All of them." She smiles.

"It all happened so long ago." The lost teens look at the counselors in bemusement as they all move around the room and in sync take their seats. "Little Billy Murphy went to camp here decades ago. And he was always picked on for being..."

Long, clear, drops begin to leak from the ceiling.

Vicki looks up. "Um, guys?"

"...different, ugly. And then one summer..."

Max looks up as well. "This is bad."

"...the hottest one on record, the counselors decided to play a little prank on him." The teens huddle together as the ceiling begins to melt and the scene around them changes.

"What's happening?" Gertie asks.

"I don't know, but stay together." Trinity says. Vicki grabs onto her hand and holds it tightly.

They look around their surroundings, finding themselves outside the cabin but everything, including them, is black and white.

"Oh." Gertie exhales. "This is...what, are we home?" She looks at her hands. "Oh, God, why am I colorblind? Am I having a stroke?" She slaps herself.

"I think we're in a flashback." Max says.

Seeing that they're okay, Vicki releases Trinity's hand.

A car drives up behind them and three boys hop out. The words 'Summer 1957' hover in front of the vehicle.

"It started as just another ordinary day." They hear Nancy's voice. "But little did they know..."

They begin to walk. "What the hell is that voice?" Vicki asks.

"...something was about to go horrible wrong. No one really knows how Billy was before 'it' happened."

They carefully step over the floating letters.

"The counselors hated him, and the other kids bullied him mercilessly."

They see the kids push a young Billy against a picnic table. "Stop!" Billy pleads.

"Where'd you get these clothes, huh?" A boy jeers.

Billy pushes past them and runs into the outhouse.

"Guy's that's Billy." Chris realizes.

"Come on, Billy!" The boys bang on the door.

"Hey," the counselors step out of the cabin. "what are you little idiots doing?"

A boy points to the outhouse. "Billy's in there, and he's been in there forever." A counselor shoves past him.

"Billy locked himself in the outhouse, thinking he'd be safe, but he was wrong."

"Billy." A counselor knocks on the door. "Billy, open up." He looks at the older teen in front of him. "I know how to get him out." He whispers, reaching into his pocket for his lighter. He grabs some firecrackers from his friend and lights the fuse before throwing tossing it into the outhouse. The boys step back as Billy begins to scream.

The lost teens watch the scene with concern and pity.

"Billy had third-degree burns all over his body because of the counselors' prank. And the only thing that could distract Billy from his terrible pain was thinking about what had been done to him."

The Final Girls: TrinityWhere stories live. Discover now