Chapter Seventeen

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Jonathan and Beth spent the rest of the morning training if they were going to take down Lilith, they needed to be prepared for whatever she may throw at them. They had both improved dramatically, but Jonathan seemed to be working harder than her. Beth knew that he was trying to prove himself. He wanted to be on the winning side for once, the good side, he wanted to prove to his mum, to Clary, to everyone who doubted him, that he was not the evil person they once knew. She also had a point to prove. They all believed that Beth was out to destroy them just as Jonathan had done years before, she wanted to how them that she wasn't on the bad side and wasn't working against them. The only problem was that neither of them could prove their point until the final fight.

"One more time, and then we get food," Beth said, wiping the hair that was plastered to her forehead with sweat. Neither of them had taken a break within the few hours that they had been training and they were both exhausted, and hungry.

"Alright, but this time I'm going to beat you," Jonathan joked.

"Oh really? I'd like to see you try!" Beth mocked. She raised her sword up and pointed the tip towards, Jonathan copied and his facial expression changed from jokey to serious. He was ready to fight and she knew it.

After a minute or so, Beth lunged forward and the blade of her sword collided with Jonathan as he reacted to her movement. A metal clang rang out through the room and the battle continued. Whenever Beth would lunge to attack, Jonathan would block it and change the direction of the blade in order to limit its damage. Beth kept trying, she also kept moving because, as Charlie had always taught her, a moving target is harder to kill.

No matter how hard she tried, Beth could not seem to get past Jonathan's blade, he was so determined to win the battle that he was putting everything he had into it and it was showing. He wasn't letting the blade get anywhere near him and was constantly changing the direction of the fight in order to get a good vantage point. Beth leaned back on her heel and released her tight grip on the sword slightly. Within seconds of her slacking the grip, Jonathan struck. He lifted the blade of his sword underneath the cross-guard of Beth's and lifted the blade up and out of her hands. It spun through the air and landed behind him with a metal clang. "Told you I'd win," Jonathan said, lowering his weapon.

"You did, but I beat you almost every other time. Maybe I let you have this one," Beth shrugged.

"You didn't, I know you didn't. I won fair and square!" Beth smirked and picked up her weapon from the floor and returned it to the cabinet. Jonathan handed her his weapon and she placed it next to hers and shut the door. "I'm hungry," Jonathan said, his stomach responded with a loud rumble that echoed through the room.

"Well, it's lunch time so let's get food," Beth replied, rubbing her hands together excitedly.

"Okay, come on," Jonathan said grabbing her wrist and pulling her out the room. He dragged her through the hallways and towards the kitchen where he was met with the site of the other Shadowhunters crowded around the table, laughing and joking. "On second thoughts, let's go out somewhere."

"You'll have to face them sooner or late," Beth said, "but, I agree. I've been couped up in here far too long and I want to go adventuring somewhere so let's find a McDonalds and I shall order you the greatest thing ever."

"Okay, don't you need to tell them we're leaving?"

"Yeah, but I need to grab some money from my room, so wait here." Beth turned around and sprinted down the corridor and towards the bedrooms. Jonathan stood, leaning against the wall as he waited for her to return. He peered around the door and looked at his mother and sister talking to Luke at the table. As he watched, he began to think about all that he did whilst under Lilith's control. He knew they would never forgive him if they were to see him, but he also knew that he would need their help. Jonathan had been planning the fall of Lilith for years and was determined to be the one who brought her down. But he also knew that no matter how big his ego may be, he needed Clary and the others to help. Taking down a Greater Demon was going to be a lot harder than defeating a normal demon, or the Endarkened.

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