Chapter Eighteen

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As they walked around the streets of New York, avoiding people and trying not to look out of place, Jonathan and Beth were finally able to have a normal conversation. They had been focusing so much on the Lilith situation that they never had the chance to just get to know each other, not that there was much to know. Beth knew everything there was to know about Jonathan and he knew a lot about her. Their conversation skills were pretty limited in terms of what may have been considered a 'normal' conversation. "So, you grew up with Charlie?" Jonathan asked as he wove through people who were hurrying back to work after their lunch. 

"Yeah, I was told that my parents were killed by the Endarkened, but apparently not. I still don't understand what happened, though. They've barely spoken to me since they turned up because they seem to think I'm going to turn around and attempt to kill them. Nice to know they have faith in me," Beth replied, rubbing her hands together in an attempt to keep the warm. Having spent so much time inside, Beth had forgotten that Winter was fast approaching and that it was going to get cold outside.

"Ask them. You're wanting them to talk to you about it when you need to have the guts to confront them yourself. At least then you can get the answers you need. As for proving yourself, I feel like we both need to find a way to prove to our families that we're not out to kill them in any way shape or form. Until then, I doubt they'll ever believe us," Jonathan said. 

"I suppose your right, I just wish it didn't have to be this way."

"Neither do I, but we can't change the past. From now on, we have to work on defeating Lilith once and for all rather than trying to prove ourselves."

"Alright, I suggest we look at that book. It may be able to help us  find a way to not only get her here but to defeat her. There has to be a way, no demon is undefeatable, not even a greater demon."

"We'll look at the book when we get back. For now, I'm freezing cold and want something to warm me up before we head back."

"I agree. Come on, I'll show you the cafe I was at when I was attacked the second time." Beth grabbed his wrist and dragged him back through the streets and towards the little coffee shop where she was attacked. Beth knew it would be warm and they did the most amazing hot chocolates. 

When they arrived at the shop, Beth ordered two hot chocolates and the two of them sat down at the far off booth in order to drink them without being stared at by everyone. Jonathan, who had never had a hot chocolate before, was determined to drink his as fast as he could, without realizing how hot it really was and was surprised when he burnt his tongue on the drink. Beth, however, found it hilarious. She was going to warn him of how hot it would be but found it too entertaining when he burnt himself. "I would have told you, but you wouldn't have listened to me," Beth laughed. 

"I didn't know it was going to be that hot! It was like scalding water!" He cried, rubbing his tongue slightly and feeling the change in texture. 

"The clue is in the name, it's called HOT chocolate for a reason," Beth laughed as she took a small sip of hers. Jonathan became apprehensive about having any more of his until he was certain it wasn't going to burn his tongue. Beth watched as he touched the top of his drink with his finger to test whether it was cool enough to drink before he took a swig of hit and sighed happily. 

"This was a good idea, I like being outside of the Institute, it's calmer and out here, it's harder for Rouges to find us," Jonathan said, taking another sip of his drink that had now gone lukewarm. 

"Yeah, being inside is so boring, all we have to do there is train. I'd rather be back home, though. I miss England and the rain and, believe it or not, school."

"Do you go to Mundane school then?"

"Yeah, I wanted to have some kind of normal life. I didn't want demon hunting to consume my life and Charlie agreed with me so he enrolled me in school. It's great because I'm actually good at the sports side of it and managed to beat almost everyone in my year last year."

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