Chapter Thirty-Three

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A surge of electricity travelled up Beth's arm and down the rest of her body, creating an almost painful tingle. Jonathan looked on, scared for his friends safety and annoyed that he could do nothing to help her. He knew that he took her away from the Rune, Lilith wouldn't die and that was the main outlook for the plan. 

Jonathan looked from Beth to Lilith and caught he fear stricken face, she clearly knew what was going on and could do nothing about it. As soon as Beth had slammed her hand against the Rune, Lilith was trapped.

 She couldn't go anywhere. 

Beth tried to focus on her task as the electricity kept moving through her veins, but it was almost impossible. She knew she couldn't let go, but that was easier said than done. The pain was immense and it was almost like a burning sensation as she shut her eyes and tried to clear her mind, focus on something else entirely. It didn't work. 

"It's working!" Charlie exclaimed as he noticed a small beam of light burst from Lilith's chest. Beth opened her eyes and look at Lilith, surprised to see the plan working as it should. 

"Come on, Beth," Jonathan muttered, seeing the expression on her face. He knew this was going to be hard for her and it took everything within him not to pull her hand off the Rune, not now that the plan was in full swing. 

The small beam of light that protruded from Lilith's chest grew the longer Beth held her hand to the Rune. It was only a matter of time before it consumed her completely. 

Killed her. 

Beth just had to hold for those last few moments, but Jonathan was certain it was an impossible task. She was having trouble as it was, let alone another few minutes of it. It was going to kill her and no one else seemed to realise. Unless he was just being paranoid. Of course, the demon had explained the chances of her dying and maybe that had set him on edge a lot more than he realised. 

"You'll pay for this!" Lilith screamed as another beam of light burst from her chest. 

"How? You'll be dead!" Beth spluttered, the words sounding almost too forced for Jonathan's liking. 

"I'll find a way!" Lilith retailed, lunging towards Beth, but stopping short when a third light beam burst through her. 

As the beams grew stronger, Beth grew weaker. The strength she had when she first put her hand on the Rune had faded almost completely and even standing up was becoming a struggle, but she had to keep her hand pressed to the Rune. She had to keep going. 

Jonathan noticed her struggle and looked at Charlie who also noticed that something wasn't quite right, but neither intervened. They knew this was important and if was in danger, she would have pulled herself away from the Rune, and she hadn't. 

"Come on," Beth muttered weakly, looking at Lilith. She knew it was only a matter of time but wished it was sooner. She didn't know how long she could keep this up for. 

Moments later, the beams of light exploded and spread through Lilith's entire body, engulfing her in bright, white light. Lilith screamed and then it stopped. 

She was dead. 

Beth gasped and fell to the ground, her head colliding with the wooden floorboards. Jonathan reacted almost immediately and within seconds he was kneeling next to her, his hand moving a strand of hair off her face. "Beth?" he whispered. 

"Jon, I'm sorry," Beth replied weakly, her voice almost a whisper. 

"What are you sorry for?" Jonathan asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"I know you didn't want me to go through with it," she said. 

"Forget about that. We did it, Beth. You did it. The Rogues can't be controlled anymore. It's over."

"It's over," Beth whispered, "Charlie."

Jonathan looked over to Charlie, a single tear running down his cheek and beckoned for the older Shadowhunter to join them. Charlie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but walked over. He had no idea what was going on. It wasn't until he saw Beth, semi-conscious on the ground, that something clicked in his mind. Something was wrong. 

"Beth! Beth!" he exclaimed, kneeling next to Jonathan and fearing the worst for his niece. 

"Charlie, thanks for being an amazing parent," Beth said. 

"What are you talking about Beth? You're gonna be fine!" Charlie replied, pulling his stele out of his pocket. 

"Jon, explain."

"The demon blood made up the majority of her DNA and blood in general. With Lilith gone, that part of her has been destroyed and no Rune can fix that. She knew all this when she agreed to go through with the plan," he said. 

"Why? Why would you do that Beth?"

"To protect you and Jon and every Shadowhunter, Mundane and Downworlder. I did it to save lives."

"What about yours?" Charlie asked, his eyes filling with tears. 

"That doesn't matter. Just remember that I am, and always will be, Bethany Carlisle, Shadowhunter extraordinary."

With that, Beth's hand fell limp and her eyes shut, the ghost of a smile left on her face. 


A/N - Oh my God.... I am NOT okay!!!! Someone hold me, please? I knew this was coming and I'm still a little choked up :( 

But, rejoice, for this is not the end of Chasing Death. There is one finally chapter left to come and then that'll be it. It's so bloody say!!!! 

I hope you guys are ready :)

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