Chapter Thirty-One

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Beth looked to Jonathan who clearly had the same idea on his mind. What with a mass murder by the Rogues, they both knew that hanging around for any longer was only going to lead to more chaos and more death. This was the moment they had been waiting for. The moment to take down the demon that had turned their families against them.

Turned them into monsters. 

The pair of them were willing to do whatever it took to make sure that this wasn't going to happen again. They both knew the consequences of their plan but they were both willing to go through with it if it meant that no one else was going to die. Beth may have been certain that the plan was the right way to deal with it, but Jonathan was a little more than apprehensive. He had agreed to go along with the plan but wasn't sure whether he'd be able to stick to it as it progressed. He knew what was going to happen, and he didn't want it to. 

"So, let's get started," Charlie said, looking from the TV screen to Beth and Jonathan. 

"Let's," Beth replied, nodding to Jonathan. 

The two of them set to work grabbing everything they needed before portaling themselves to a better location. Beth grabbed the sword from its case, whilst Jonathan slipped from the room and recovered the painting from the library and the book from under his pillow. Once everything that was necessary had been grabbed, Clary made the portal that would take them to a location where they could carry out their plan in the correct manner. 

After they had detailed the plan out to Charlie and the others, Isabelle had made the point of Lilith not being able to enter the Institute because it was sacred ground. So, they had created a backup location to go through with the plan in the way they wanted to. Charlie's parents had owned a far in the country that had since been abandoned and was passed down to him when they died. As it wasn't on sacred ground it was the perfect place to summon Lilith, after all, there was no one around for miles. 

As they portaled into the farm house, the plan was starting to become all too real. They had planned for this, trained for it, but the fact that it was actually happening was all too real for Jonathan. He wasn't going to let on that he didn't want to go through with the original plan. If he were to tell Charlie and the others that Beth may not make it through, they would have scrapped the plan completely. He was doing this for her, for both of them.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jonathan asked, grabbing Beth's hand as she went to place the sword on the table. 

"Yeah, we have no other choice, you know that. Whatever happens from this point on, happens. We're doing this to stop the murders, you need to remember that," she replied.

"Of course, I remember that I'm not stupid, Beth. Look, I'm just scared that this isn't going to work and you're going to end up dead because of it.

"You need to relax, Jon. I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't absolutely certain that it's going to work. As for the other bit, well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, alright? There is no point worrying over something that might not happen."

"Beth, listen, I had to die in order for the demon side of me to be destroyed. Who's to say the same thing won't happen to you? If Lilith dies, all trace of demon blood will be wiped from your system and that would mean your death. You know that, right?"

"Yes, I know that. That was different, though, you acted on your demon side, I haven't. It seems more than likely that it is not the dominant blood type. Hopefully, there will be so little that it won't make the slightest bit of difference to me and my survival rate." 

Beth was well aware of what had to happen to Jonathan in order for him to loose his demon side, but she was hoping it wouldn't have to work that way for her. After all, she had yet to act upon her instincts, well, other than the time she had pushed Jocelyn off her to stop the attack. All she had to go on was a hunch, but she hoped that it did enough to calm Jonathan's nervous. Otherwise, he would have blabbed the entire thing to Charlier and the entire plan would have been thrown from the window. 

During the brief interaction between Beth and Jonathan, neither of them had noticed that all the furniture had been pushed away from the center of the room and towards the walls, giving them more room. Charlie had hung the painting on the wall and they were all just waiting for the pair of them to be ready. "Are we doing this or what?" Jace asked, starting to get impatient with the pair of them for just standing around. 

"Yeah, in a second, but first we need to make sure everyone knows what they're doing and how this thing is going to pan out," Jonathan said, "Beth, would you like to explain."

"Gladly. Okay, so we know how this is going to work. We're going to open the portal, summon Lilith and then do whatever the hell we can to get rid of her. That could mean that anything is going to happen over the next hour or so, whether it be violence or something entirely different. Whatever I do, you have to remember that I'm doing it to stop the killings, to make our job just that slightest bit easier. Unless you are called for, you are all to keep your distance, stand at the sides of the room and don't get involved. 

"None of us are sure just how long this is going to take, or if it works at all. If it doesn't, then we need to get her back through the portal as quickly as possible so you need to be on standby. Is that clear?" 

"Yeah," Jace replied, his eyes flittering between Jonathan and Beth, not deciding on just one person to look at. 

"Let's get this thing started!" Charlie declared, clapping his hands together and handing Beth the sword he had removed from the table. 

Beth quickly passed it to Jonathan so she could break away for a moment to draw the two Runes she needed to destroy Lilith once and for all. She drew the lines that made up the first Rune on the wall before tracing it onto the palm of her right hand as well. She knew she had to be stood close enough to the wall to reach the Rune when she felt it was time. That was going to be the tricky bit. 

Having drawn the new Rune onto herself and the wall, Beth then attached the sword the painting and drew the Rune that would open the portal into Edom for a second time. She flinched away slightly from the bright white light and waited for it to fade before she removed her jacket and place it on the blade of the sword. Gripping it tightly, she spun the blade and waited for it to click, the sound of the portal opening fully. 

She took a step back, dropped her jacket to the floor and waited for it to open fully, knowing this was the time. "Lilith! I  want to talk to you!" Beth called through the portal, hoping it was loud enough for Lilith herself to hear.

"Do you really think that's going to work?" Jocelyn asked, folding his arms over.

"I've changed my mind! I'm in!" she yelled. 

Beh focused on the portal, waiting for a body to take shape, waiting for Lilith herself to show her face. If there was any way she was going to get Lilith through the portal, it would be telling her  that she'd changed her mind and was willing to join in the plan. Slowly, she noticed something forming beyond the portal, the shape of a person. She watched, observing it closely as very slowly, they stepped through. 

"Nice of you to change your mind, Bethany."


A/N - So, I know this chapter is both short and lame and I do apologise for that, but at the moment I am having extreme writers block and I'm finding it really hard to write. I promise I'll try and be back on form soon enough as well as work on editing this chapter and the rest of the book when it's finished. 

I'm sorry about this.

Question of the chapter - What happens next?

Dedication - This chapter is dedicated to Harley_Quinn_18 for the AMAZING cover! Harley

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