Chapter Twenty

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She didn't know long she had been in that room for before she heard a voice. It was almost impossible to know where it was coming from, but Beth knew who it was almost instantly. Of course she wasn't able to reply but that didn't stop her from making stupid, sarcastic comments in an attempt to keep herself entertained. After all, there are so many times you can count backwards from one thousand before it looses its appeal. Before she had heard the voice, Beth had tried to instigate another conversation with her conscience but he was having none of it and blanked her. She assumed it was because she was annoying him, but if she were to ask he'd rant about needing beauty sleep.

Anway, Beth was lying face down the floor, inhaling the smell of dirt and dust as the voice broke through the foggy silence. It echoed through the room for a solid minute before finally fading and leaving behind an eerie silence. It took a while for Beth to realise that someone had spoken and that it wasn't just her imagination. Between the sentence and her realising who it was, she had completely forgotten what they had said. "Great job, Bethany, you hear someone talking to you and forget what they said," she muttered before tapping her forehead onto the ground slightly. She ignore the surge of pain and rolled onto her back to stare into the darkness that didn't show any sign of letting up. In fact, it seemed to be getting darker rather than lighter.

A few more minutes passed before the voice made a return. This time, Beth was alert and waiting. "How do you get yourself into these scenarios, Beth? Honestly, just once I'd like you to go out to have fun and not end up being attacked or with some kind of injury, is that too much to ask?" Charlie said.

"Probably. You know me, I'm always looking for trouble," Beth muttered to herself, knowing that Charlie couldn't hear her. He did have a point, though, Even before the Rogue's started their attack she had never managed to keep herself from danger. It was as if she were a demon  magnet and they were drawn to her through some kind of magnetic field. Then an idea popped into Beth's head. All this time she had thought she had been in the wrong place at the wrong time in terms of demon attacks, but if she was part demon then maybe they were trying to get her. The only part that didn't make sense was the sudden usage of the Rogues. She had known they were arround, but she had never met one until a few weeks before. The sudden appearance of them made her feel slightly sick. "I don't get it," she almost screamed.

"Do you mind? Some of us are trying to enjoy this rare holiday," her conscience said, his voice spreading through the room before fading.

"Oh shut up will you! You're so annoying! All you seem to care about is your precious beauty sleep, well I hate to break it to you, but you're not supposed to sleep. You're my conscience. So, just grow up and find a way to help me out because believe it or not, I don't want to be here either! I want to be training and preparing for the final battle against Lilith not in here having an argument with you. Figure out a way to get me out of here or I will scream for as long as I can."

"Someones touchy today, aren't they? Look, I have no way of helping you. Waking up and gaining control of the situation is down to you. What you seem to be forgetting, Bethany, is that I simply guide you through situations and I help you decided what's right and what's wrong. I can't assist you in a choice of this magnitude, it is far beyond my capability. However, I can nudge you towards the right decision. But how you get out of this will all be up to you."

"So what you're saying is, you're my conscience which means you help in almost any situation, despite me ignoring you half the time and yet you can't tell me how I'm supposed to wake up and get out of this whole mess? That makes no sense! In fact, nothing you've said so far has made any sense whatsoever! You're supposed to be helping me not being vague! Just for once, tell me the god damn truth! The longer you wait and the vaguer you are the longer I am likely to stay here."

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