Chapter 5: I'll be back with a Twist!

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I always glance at my window to seek if the caretaker of the house will give me some informations about the condition of the nerd. I couldn't wait anymore! So I opened my laptop and keep scrolling on my newsfeed like a miner looking for gold.
But I failed. Then I searched his profile and found out that he unfriended me. I was so much disappointed. Then I click the 'add as friend' button, but it can't help. Then a pop-ups appear on my screen, it said that I'm not able to add this person because it was blocked by another account. Then I refresh and refresh and refresh the page and found out that it was already 12:51 PM until I fell asleep and got tired. I forgot to wear my night gown and brush my teeth.

Then I felt a bang in my head when I woke up this morning. I skimmed my alarm clock and it said that I was already late in school. My alarm clock did not rang. I thought it was damaged but the truth I did not set it in time. I'm so dumb. I took a hot shower and looked at the mirror suprisingly. I have a pimple and eye bags!
Holy Shit! How can I face my friends? Well I put a patch on my pimple and pretend that it was a flesh wound. Also I wore make-up on my eyes to hide the eye bags I got last night.

My heart tumbled when I opened the door.

"Hello Lyka! What happened on your face?" Vanessa asked.

"Nothing. I accidentally slipped on the floor so I got a wound on my face."

Then Millie came to remove the bandaid and my make-up....

"What are you doing Millie? Now I'm a shame?" I said angrily.

"Tell, you have eye bags and a pimple because you stalked him last night? I told you stalking is bad!" Millie said.

"No, I'm not stalking Louis!"

"I do not say any names."

Then Mrs. Annalyn butt in.....

"Good day class! Today we will discuss about architectural designs, outlines, and processes. I made it easy for everyone! I have a chart here. If I point anyone of you, please stand up and determine what it represents. (Pointing to Joey) Please stand up and tell what this 'dot' represents."

"This dot represents Lyka's pimple because of too much obsession on Louis." She Said jokingly.

I rolled my eyes and everybody is laughing at me.

!¡!¡!¡ Louis' Point of View !¡!¡!¡

For sure the students of North Carolina Highschool are very happy now because I'm gone for a month. They might celebrate this whole month and become the happiest moment of their lives, but I'll be back with a twist! I'll take revenge on someone who hurted me a lot. I have a bright idea, what if I will be a 'bad boy' like Bryan?! That's a very nice idea!

I opened my iPhone and started to research on how to be a popular bad boy

Rule no. 1: You must know the proper hygiene

Oh no! I have many pimples, acne, and even blackheads. I need to go to a famous dermatologist here in France! My mother recommended Mr. Philip to treat my face problem.

"Good day, Mrs. Collin? What can I do for you?" Mr. Philip asked.

"Can you remove the dirty little things on my son's face." My mother asked.

"Of course I can."

Then the treatment started. It was like a hell! But it was all worth it because my face problems are all gone.

"Now you are handsome! When I saw you awhile ago wearing an ugly face I felt disgust. Now I like you! Your face make me gay!" Mr. Philip said.

"Thanks Mr. Philip you are a great dermatologist!" I said.

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