Chapter 8: He's Coming

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"Did you hear the news Lyka?" Vanessa said.

"No, I didn't. What is the news about?" I asked.

"Today he's coming!"

"Who is he?"

"The one that got away....just kidding." Shre said with a giggle.

"Louis Collin? If he is coming today, I'm not interested."

Then a handsome jock coming through the gate. Wait, he looks familiar.

"Louis is that you?" Cole said.

"Get out of my way man!" Louis said.

The school nerd becomes one of the bad boys. What is happening here? Unlike the first day of school he had an ugly and disgusting looking face, but now everything is perfect! He has a handsome face, perfect attire, and hairstyle.

"What happened on you?" I asked him.

"Who are you? I do not f*cking know you!" He said.

He didn't know me and it felt hurt. His head is very big now. All of the students stared at him feeling anew. But some bitches specially Natashia wanted him to do that thing. After he said those freaking words, I went to the restroom to dry my tears.

1st period up to 4th period of our class, Louis was not there. FYI he ditched all periods just to have bonding with his peers.

Then it was lunch time, I went to the cafeteria and saw Louis on the last row with two bitches. They were kissing him in public! That sound so yucky and dirty. Do they even know the word shame?

"I can't believe it!" Joey said.

"I hope that he is forever badboy! He is hot with that attitude." Millie said,

"Millie! Duh?" I said.

I glanced at him and he glanced at me also. Then I blushed. I want to see his adorable face but the bitches ruining the view while kissing him.

Then the class is over, I think I need to go home.

I glanced at my neighbor's house. I saw him in the 2nd floor window half naked. At first I thought he was a wimpy man but
when I saw him with his overwhelming body, I was attracted. Oh my gosh he saw me staring at his body!

"Hey girl, if you want me come over here!"
He said.

"No thanks. In your dreams!" I said.

"Well I dream that you are taking off your panties and give it that thing to me!"


Then I went to my room, but I can't stop staring at him. Then he rushed down in his garage and pulled his car out. He was holding a hose and started to clean the car. Gosh! He is so hot. Now his grey shirt is wet and also his body. Then he remove it out! What a perfect view! I stared at his body like in slow motion. Beads of water is pouring down his six-packed abs. I can't stop it! Then an idea appeared on my mind. What if I'll take a picture of him? Then I captured a moment of him. Suddenly, he
Laughed out loud.

"Hey Lyka! I know that you are attracted on my body. Admit it!" He said.

So he knew that I had been staring at him for a few minutes. What the heck I am doing!!

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