Chapter Two

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Zendaya’s POV

 “26 out of 30 not too shabby, nice job Dayachka!”

I smile, “Thanks Val, but I really hoped for a nine from Len.”

Val chuckles in such a cute way—what am I saying? I clear that thought outta my head and listen to what he is saying, “Len is pretty tough, we just gotta wow him next time, and then I’m sure you’ll get a nine from all the judges.”

Val pulls me close and hugs me, I close my eyes sniffing in his scent, his cologne smells so good, I could stay in his arms forever---what’s going on with me? Why is that everything he does is so attractive to me al of a sudden, it’s only Week 2 and I think I am developing a crush—no I am not, he’s 26, turning 27.

“Earth to Zendaya.”

I blink my eyes twice, and see Val staring at me weirdly waving his hands in front of my face. I shake my head and smile, “Oh sorry I was just lost in space…”

He smiles, "Yeah I could tell.” We sit down and watch the next dancers dance, but I just can’t get my mind off of Val; I remember when we were practicing for our jive last night …

** ** **

“Ugh, I can’t get it right.” I say as I stumble in the heels. I kick them off, and sit on the ground. I put my hands in my face, hoping that Val won’t noticing that I’m crying,

“Come on Zendaya, this isn’t time for games we have to—” He stops talking, and looks at my face. He frowns, and takes a seat right next to me,

“Dayachka, are you okay? What’s wrong?”

I wipe my face, “It’s nothing, let’s just practice.”

He shakes his head, “No, not until you tell me what’s up. What happened to the spontaneous, outgoing girl I met the first day?”

I shrug, “Val, I may come off as a confident person, but really—I’m just an insecure teenage girl. I’m afraid of letting the judge down, letting my parents down, letting the fans down, but what I am most afraid of is letting you down.”

Tears start to spill from my eyes. I feel two muscular arms embrace me, “Hey, look at me—look at me. You could never let me down, I know you are doing your best, and that’s all that matters. Okay Dayachka?”

“Val, you don’t understand, this dance has to be perfect—it just has to!”

“Why are you so worried tonight?” Val asked, as he is wiping the tears out of my face.

I sigh, “Because, Trevor is coming and I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of him. I really wanna tell him how I feel about him, and if I make a fool out of myself then he surely won’t like me back.”

Val smiles, “If that Trevor dude doesn’t like you if you mess up, then he needs to fuck off, you’re such an amazing girl, and if he doesn’t see that then he is the stupidest guy in the world, because I definitely see that you’re amazing.”

My heart freezes for a second, and I smile, “Thanks grumpy bear, that really just boosted up my confidence”

He smiles, and kisses my hand, “Good, I’m glad. Are you ready to rehearse now or do you want to have a second to yourself?”

I shake my head, “No, thank you though. I really want to practice now.”

“Okay let’s start!” He says as he helps me up.

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