Chapter Seven

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Zendaya’s POV

I tried calling Val on Skype like five times, and he wouldn’t pick up. So I picked up my phone and tried calling him, thank goodness my mom unblocked his number. But when I call I just get his voicemail,

Hey there, it’s Val sorry I couldn’t catch your call, but just leave a message and I’ll shoot you a call right back…

I groan, and think maybe he was avoiding me, but that wouldn’t make any sense, we had an amazing dance tonight, and we didn’t really flirt to make things awkward, so there is no way he could avoid me. So I decided to text him, every time I text him, he always responds in less than five minutes.

Zendaya: Gummy Bear, why haven’t you picked up your phone? :( I’ve Skype called you and I called you from my phone! If you are busy, then sorry :o I just wanted to talk :P

It’s been half an hour, and he still hasn’t responded. I try to retain myself from crying, because now I am starting to believe that Val is mad at me. That’s when I realized, my dad isn’t home still. My Dad stayed later after the show, I don’t know what he is up to, but he has sneaky written all over his face when he walks in. I run down the stairs,

“Hey Dad, so where’ve you been?”

He rubs his forearm, “Uh, just out—you know?”

I nod, “Oh, so what did you do?”

He chuckles, “What is this? Interrogate Dad Night?”

 I shake my head, “No, I was just wondering why you decided to stay a bit later after the show. Did you talk to someone or something?”

He sighs, “Daya, come here. We need to talk…”

I nod my head, and follow my dad to the couch in the living room. I give him my killer smile, but then he frowns and sighs making me also frown. I raise my eyebrow in confusion,

“What’s wrong Dad? You look a bit distressed…”

He slumps his shoulders down, “Sweetie, uh—I had a talk with Val, and he…”

I shoot up from my seat, “No wonder he isn’t calling or texting me back! Dad, what did you say to him—you know what, I don’t even want to know!”

My Dad raises his voice, “Young lady, you will not disrespect me. Do not, and I repeat, do not raise you voice at me, I let it go the other day, because my approach wasn’t right either, but I am calm tonight, so the least you can do is return the favor. Do you understand?”

I nod, “Sorry, but Dad…how could you?"

He sighs, “I’m sorry Daya, you are only sixteen years old and he’s twenty sev—”

I cut him off, “Dad I already know the major age difference, but so what!?”

“It’s illegal!”

I shake my head and raise my voice since he raised his, “It’s not illegal, if were aren’t having sex and news flash Dad—we are not having sex, and we won’t any time soon.”

My dad is quite surprise with my language, but before he could say anything else, I run up to my room and shut the door. I pick up my phone and call Maks,

“Hello? Maks!? I have called Val a bajillion times, and he hasn’t picked up…is he—is he mad at me? If he is tell him I am sorry for whatever I did and I won’t do it—”

“Woah, woah, woah, calm down Z. Actually, I haven’t seen Val since I took Sir Sleep for a walk over two hours ago, I just thought he went out or something, but then I realized that he left his phone at home.”

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