Chapter Eight

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Zendaya’s POV





27 out of 30 not too shabby, but definitely a let down from great scores last week, I sigh and Val hugs me close,

“Okay, since we are not safe, we need to stay focused for the dance-off, do you hear me?”

I breathe deeply trying to catch my breath; I think I am still a little shaken from a couple of nights ago. I close my eyes and clear my head for the dance




The adrenaline rush from dancing felt great, I felt like Val and I did AMAZING, and as I come back to reality, I realize so do the judges. I jump in Val’s arms, and he kisses my temple. I go to Jacoby and give him a great big hug,

“You and Karina did amazing. I am glad we got to dance against you guys, especially the jive!”

Jacoby puts on a goofy, yet adorable smile, “Well, you and fancy pants over there were more than amazing, the judges were right when the picked you.”

Then Jacoby started chuckling, I raise my eyebrow, but then I realize why he was laughing. The area where we were standing filled with a horrible odor. I wave my hand over my nose, “Oh, Jacoby did you—did you just fart!? That’s disgusting”

He laughs harder, “Well like they always said, better out than in.”

I shake my head, “Who is they? No one ever said that—no one.” I laugh and give him a friendly punch. Jacoby returns the friendly punch, so I pushed him. Then he picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder and he started spinning me around.

“Jacoby Jones, if you do not put me down this instance I swear…” I say, with laughter in between.

Jacoby laughs harder, “Or what? Don’t forget Little Z, I’m actually taller than you, so your threats have no effect.”

I couldn’t help but laugh so hard, when he put me down he smiles, “Little Z, your smile fills me up with joy, seriously. Keep that smile on your face, you hear?”

I nod, “And you Jacoby Jones are definitely one of a kind!”

He puts that goofy smile on his face again, and he sets his hands on his hips, “Well thank you very much Little Z.”

When I look around, I realize that it’s the end of the show, “Wow, I didn’t even realize the show ended, I guess I’ll see you later!”

I run and give him a big hug; he hugs me so tight I can’t breathe, “Uh, Jacoby—can’t…breathe.”

He smiles, “Oh, sorry Little Z, you just give the best hugs ever. See you later little sis.”

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