Chapter Nine

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Zendaya’s POV

I smile as I look at the polls from the Dancing with the Stars website; my fans voted me and Val to dance Hip-Hop which makes me more than excited. I sit in the car, and my Dad drives me to practice. When we get to rehearsal, I have a big smile on my face,

“We got Hip-Hop as our second dance this week!”

My Dad gives me a high-five, “That’s my girl! Seeing Val and how flows with his dancing, I guess you’re going to be the professional when it comes the Hip-Hop part.”

I smile and nod, “Yup, but I got Miss Kim to come in and help Val, get his swagger on, because honestly being elegant won’t cut it in hip-hop.”

My Dad chuckles and nods his head, “Yup, well I don’t wanna keep you from practice, and I don’t want keep Val waiting for you either, so get going Daya—your mom will be picking you up later on.”

“Okay, bye Dad!” I shout as run in rehearsal room. I open the door, and see Val waiting for me with a smile on his face, and for some reason, I run to his arms and give him the biggest hug.

We pull away, and he smiles, “What was all that?”

I shrug, “I don’t know—I guess I’m in a good mood today.”

“That’s good—great even. I glad that you’re in a good mood today; it makes me very happy to see you happy, because…” Val babbles on and I giggle waving my hands in front of my face.

“I get it—I get it, it’s good that I’m happy. So we’re doing Hip-Hop today, and I’m bringing in my dance teacher Miss Kim in to help you with your swagger, because right now this ballroom, flowing, and elegance really won’t cut it in Hip-Hop.” I saw with a smile on my face.

Val flashes me a cheeky smile, “Oh, so you’re bringing her to make me look as funny as possible, right?”

I wink at him, “Something like that—nah, I want you to look as good as possible…duh!”

He pokes my side and chuckles, “You better be.”


Miss Kim walks in, and I immediately introduce her to Val, “Miss Kim this is Val, Val this is Miss Kim—she’s is the woman who pretty much taught me how to dance.”

She nods and smiles, “It’s nice to meet you Val.”

Val returns a smile, “The same for you Miss Kim.”

I clap, and rub my hands together, “Okay, now that we all know each other, let’s get our Hip-Hop on! Ugh, you don’t know how excited I am.”

Val frowns, “I’m not, I have no experience in dancing whatsoever, so this is going to be very difficult for me to get the hang of it.”

I smile at him, “Don’t worry, I know you can do it!”

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