Chapter Three

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Zendaya’s POV

I walk in rehearsal, and see a bunch of balloons, and streamers all around. But when I looked around, there wasn’t anyone in the room, I raise my eyebrow,

“Hello? Val, are you there?”

I turn around and see Val standing in the room with a big poster board that said: PROM? I chuckle and walk toward him, “Val what is all of this?”

He smiles, “its Prom Week this week, so we have to recreate your prom.”

I laugh, “Val, I’m sixteen remember? I never been to prom”

“Oh yeah…well we can try to just make up a prom, you know? Just have be your first ‘official prom, I think that would be a great performance!”

I nod, “Yeah, that would be cool, but I have an idea of what to recreate and it’ll mean so much to me if you at least consider.”

He nods, “Okay, shoot. What do you want to do Dayachka; I am up for anything to be honest.”

I smile, “I want to recreate my grandmother’s Prom, I recently found out that she was—” I stop talking; because I know that I am about to break down in tears, Val raises his eyebrow, confused on why I have stopped talking.

I wipe my tears, “Sorry…” He brings me close into a hug, and I quietly sob in his chest, he strokes my hair, which kind of comforts me, I pull away and Val frowns,

“Zendaya, what’s wrong?”

I shake my head, “Um, I want to dedicate this dance to my grandma, because I recently found out that she was diagnosed with breast cancer…”

“Val, you don’t know how much I hate saying those words. I try to fool myself into thinking that this isn’t true, but it is—it is Val and it’s just not fair! My grandma has never done anything wrong, why is she being punished…”

Val sighs, and pulls me close, “I am so sorry Zendaya, but if your grandmother is anything like you, then I know she’s a strong woman, and will fight that cancer. Since this dance is dedicated to her, we have to make this dance extra special, just for you and your grandmother.”

I smile, “Thanks Val. And I know what song we can use.”

“You do?” Val says.

I nod, “Yeah, it’s called Que Sera Sera, which means, ‘what will be, will be’ and I think that we should live in the moment, and that’s what I want to do especially with somebody as special as my grandmother. I know last week I said the dance had to perfect, but this time I really mean it.”

Val smiles, then frowns, “Have you talked to him at all?”

I shook my head, “to Trevor? No, but I want to. I really want to, I need to know why he did what he did, it’s killing me inside, I—I love him Val, and he took advantage of me!”

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