Chapter 3: Bedtime Stories

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Brinkley PoV

It was raining.

How appropriate.

Mom loved the rain. She'd sit in our breakfast nook and just watch it fall, gently strumming her acoustic, and quietly hum to the beat of the rain. Sometimes classic songs, songs that had no proper tune and others were in the top 40. And she would rock them all.

I would lay my head on her knees and listen to her beautiful voice, bounce off the windows and the walls of the kitchen, at night it would soothe me to sleep and calm me when ever I was sad or scared. And now I'd never be able to hear her melodic voice ever again.

All because of some drunk teenagers who survived the crash with barely a scratch on them. That pained me more than anyone could ever understand.

But I don't want to dwell on the bad, I've been doing that enough lately.

My mom was the reason I started to play guitar in the first place. She caught me staring at her 1986 Seagull someday when I was barely 2 and a half, and I guess everyday after that she'd find me sitting in the same position just awestruck at the beautiful instrument.

One day mom sent the guitar away to get the strings re strung and boy did I kick up a fuss. I can still hear her voice as she'd tell me, "You, miss Brinkley, wailed, screamed and cried until your father brought home the guitar re-strung and then preceded to hug and almost all week following it," she'd then proceed to laugh at my child silliness.

She then knew guitar was definitely in my future. So Mom taught me how to play when I turned 3 and I loved it so much it became my safety blanket. Some kids had teddy bears I had lulu. Yes I named my guitar lulu.

After dad died though mom stopped playing and never told me why. But me on the other hand I knew he wouldn't want me to quit.

I stood next to my mothers final resting place, right next to my fathers who we buried five years before, staring at the hole and the headstone, thinking about nothing and everything. People left hours ago, but of course not before each one of then told me how sorry they were for my losses.

Once they all said their peace, they hopped into their cars returning to their regular lives filled with family and friends, while I was left alone. Because that's what I'll be for the rest of my life, alone. I like it better that way anyway.

Silent tears flowed down my cheeks mixing in with the rain and the soil. The tears haven't stopped for the past week no matter how hard I tried to stop the river, it just kept on flowing. It's a wonder there's anything left.

I'm an orphan, I thought bitterly. Don't expect me to change into a little red dress with my hair in tight curls and sing '"It's a Hard Knock Life' any time soon though. I'm more of the type who will sit alone in her room with a beat up old Stratocaster and play for hours and hours until my hands cramp up and my fingers bleed. That's all I wanted to do, that's how I mourned my fathers death and that's how I wanted to mourn my mothers.

I never knew either of my grandparents. My parents never gave me a distinct reason why I hadn't ever met them and I never really asked.

But some stiff in a high class suit thinks he can tell me where the hell I'm gonna live for the next six months until I'm 18! And here came the best part out of this prick's mouth, I need to move across the country to live with a guy my mother said in her will is my brother. My mother was losing it by the end, for all I know, this guy could be a figment of her imagination.

But deep down I knew he wasn't. My mother used to tell me bedtime stories, about a young couple so much in love but couldn't be together because of family differences. One day the girl found out she was going to have a baby but the boys family wouldn't allow the boy to have any part in the baby's life. Scared and alone, the girl knew the only thing to do was give the baby up for adoption so it could have a chance at a good life. So nine months past and the girl had the baby and gave it to the family she thought would be able to love and care for her son, Landon, named after his biological father, the most. Two weeks after giving birth, the boy came back saying he had left his family and money behind choosing the girl he loved and his baby. But it was too late. The boy of course was crushed, he felt responsible that his child wasn't with his biological parents and swore for the rest of his life to make it up to the girl. And he did and they were blessed with a beautiful daughter a few years later, and they all lived happily ever after. My mother would always end the story like that; 'Happily ever after' like that was possible in real life. She sometimes would even get a little teary eyed by the end of the story.

She stopped telling that story when I turned about six. I wish I knew why. I hadn't ever thought about it until the suit mentioned I'd be living with an older brother. Then the story kind of fell into place.

I'd always wanted siblings growing up but younger ones, definitely not older.

I know from watching my friends interact with their older siblings, that the older ones want to keep the opposite sex away as much as possible. Like its their mission to make sure their little sibling makes it to their wedding night a virgin. Which is quite sad in my opinion because their older brothers usually are too drunk at parties to realize what's happening right in front of the faces, let alone what their little sister is doing upstairs in the guest bedroom with the captain of the basketball team.

A blue jay landed on my dads headstone, reminding me of the nickname my mom used to call me. She used to call me songbird, it started out as free bird but my dad nearly had a heart attack at that so she changed it to songbird because of how much of a free spirit I was and couldn't be held down by anything. I'd just sing and fly away as fast as I possibly could.

"Miss Lexington?" a gruff voice questioned from behind me. Oh joy the stiff, just who I wanted to see today.

"Yes Drone?" My voice was devoid of emotion as my eyes stayed glued to my parents graveside. He huffed in annoyance at my pet name for him but oh well, once you're named it's gonna stick.

"We need to head to the airport. We don't want you missing your flight now do we?" I could hear his sly smile in his voice. He was thrilled to be rid on me , thought I was just another pesky delinquent that needed his attention.

Would my brother feel that way, that I'm a burden?

I ran a hand through my tangled wet mop of hair as I looked at my parents for the last time for who knows how long.

"Bye mom, bye pop," I blew them each a kiss and reached into my pocket for my big black sunglasses. I didn't like showing weakness, weakness allowed people to hurt you and hurt caused pain. And I did not want nor need anymore pain in my life.

Walking towards the awaiting town car with the trailing suit, "We are stopping at a mall." I stated bluntly. "I need new clothes since these ones are soaked because someone," I shot a pointed look at the drone. "Didn't offer me his umbrella."

"Yes, Miss. Lexington," he grumbled, sliding into the drivers seat.

Luckily, I was smart enough to leave my phone and purse in the car and leaving them bone dry. After I snuggled up next to the heater, I pulled my headphones and phone out and pressed play.

A small smile swept on my lips as Billy Joel began to fill my head with his wonderful voice. Music has always been my escape and I will definitely be need it today.

The car purred to life and my stomach began to form tight knots. Deep breaths Brink, I tried to convince myself. I willed myself to focus on Billy Joel's voice and nothing else and soon the knots untwisted and my pulse relaxed.

After buying a few new outfits dragging a miserable suit behind me, we headed back to the car with me now changed in warm yoga pants and a white sweater.

After getting comfortable in the back seat once again, we officially headed towards the air port. Cue dooms day music.

In about 24 hours I'd be meeting my big brother. I just hope he's not a dick.

Hey guys!!! Tell me what you think

40 votes and ill upload


Comment I might dedicate it to someone else!!!!! Let me know whatcha really think ur opinions really matter to me since this is a new story and I've new done one like this before

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