Chapter 6: Family Reunion Worthy of YouTube

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this sucks. i just quickly wrote it hoping it would be good enough. if there are any errors lmk i wrote this while nannying.

please let me know what you guys think


She punched me.

She actually punched me.

Damn, it freaking hurt!

I rubbed my quickly swelling jaw as the mans words made their way into my brain.

"You punch your brother on his door step,"

Your brother.

What is this? Flip Landon's entire life completely upside down day?! I can't be this chicks brother! It doesn't make sense. Why would my...birth parents?...give up one kid and not the other? Is it my fault, no. But maybe I did something? No shut up Landon, those people aren't your parents and this girl isn't your sister! 

When did my life get so fucked up?

This morning, this morning is when things got so fucked up.

I feel like my heads going to explode. I cradled my head and tried to take a deep breath to calm my racing mind.

The slightly balding man ran out of his BMW and continued to shout and rant at 'Rocky'; who continued to stare down at me with hate and rage swirling in her eyes. Believe me, feelings mutual toots. I looked up at the mention of my name and I assume her parents names but the man was yelling so fast, trying to understand what he was saying was near impossible. 

"I'm Mr. Hebbly, Brinkley's social worker and I am so sorry Mr. Zantix," he apologized and offered me a hand up while all my friends were staring with dumbfound expressions plastered on their mugs. How did they think I was feeling? 

"Brinkley is known to express herself in the more, unconventional ways," he began looking flustered shooting, I assume Brinkley, a glare telling her to behave.

"Only to people who deserve it and disrespect me, drone," Brinkley interrupted crossing both arms across her chest. Mr. Hebbly clentched his fists and a tick in his jaw began to form. The vein in his forehead began to tremble as well. It was clear he didn't like Brinkley's little pet name for him. This girl just loved to get under everyones skin. 

"Never the less, I assume she gave you the file that explains this whole thing?" He shot Brinkley a warning look that could only be described as "you better have done what you were told."

"Yes, drone I gave him the folder. He can't sue your pudgy ass." At this I raised my eyebrow, what the hell was she talking about?

Mr. Hebbly's cheeks became even more red then before making me wonder, could Brinkley whined him up enough to make steam come out of his ears?

"If you gave him the folder, where is it?" He asked through clenched teeth.

I saw the guys scramble on the ground picking up papers of what must have been the folder.

With a satisfied smirk plastered on her mouth, "He dropped it." Her eyes shot to meet mine. "When he fainted."

The idiots scrambled in, "Here's the folder, a few papers got wet when we sprayed him but, Ty is trying to dry them off," Cody explained after running to hand Mr. Hebbly all the dried papers.

Ty and Blake shoved past us while Blake yelled, "Landon we are using your hairdryer no matter how much you whine and protest!"

Brinkley tried to suppress her giggle but failed miserably when a very unladylike snort came out of her nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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