Chapter 1: Guys Night

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Hey guys! New story I'm going to enter this into the wattyawards so EVERY VOTE COUNTS SO PLEASE!!!!!

also I need a cover for this story and a trailer for skate to my heart. PLEASE and comment let me know what you think

Here is the cast

Landon- Kellan Lutz (when he's blonde)

Ty- Channing Tatum YUMMY

Cody- Dan Wells hottie

Ford- Al Santos

Blake- Ian Somerhalder

Now they're not exactly but kinda just add the height for all of them but feel free to think of them yourselves


Let me know what ya think

LBLS Chapter 1

"You know the drill guys, we get there around 9:30. Scout the place for a half an hour, body shots til 11, then dancing til 1, followed by a romp in the hotel room and meet back here at the house around 3. 3:30 if she's good," I reminded my friends with a smirk.

Ty, Blake, Cody, and Ford sat in our living room wearing the same cocky expression I was. We loved Thursday's!

We went out to a bar, had our fun, then met back at our place to swap stories and catch some sleep before we had to go to work. This was our routine every Thursday night.

Why every Thursday you may ask?

Well every Friday we all are scheduled for a photo shoot of some kind. It's to get ourselves ready for what the next day brings. Plus, we like to have legitimate reason to smile for the camera instead of some dick behind the camera telling us to do so.

"Dude, we know! But I don't get why we can't just have an end time instead of a set schedule," Ford said. He was sort of knew to our modeling group. At first we hated him because he looked just as good as the four of us; the agency we worked at called us the fantastic four. We were the hottest guys with our washboard abs, tanned skin, other than that we were completely different.

He came swaggering in the Dicks Sporting Goods shoot acting like he owned the freaking placed. I think it was the chiseled jaw, spiked brown hair, and playboy smirk made him look like an ass. But after we watched him get shut down by our friend Kelly, we hated him a little less. Kelly doesn't say no to any guy, I love the chick but she goes through guys like socks. So her telling this playboy no, there had to be some reason.

"He used the cheesiest pick up line! 'Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?'" she mimicked a deep man voice as she told us. It was kind of funny watching a petite blonde try and act like a man.

He used that line? Oh my god has this guy even gotten laid?

We took pity on the poor guy so we decided to take him under our wings and help him out with the ladies.

We found out Ford's ex-girlfriend from high school cheated on him after a three year relationship! Broke his spirit and hasn't been the same since.

Another reason why I'm a serial dater. Women suck.

Cody's is the runt of our group standing at 6'1 and is more of the preppy football jock type. With his crisp blonde semi short hair, long eye lashes, warm smile and dimples made the girls want to tie him down with a wedding ring. But he's only 24! Sure, he's the oldest out of all of us but still he's pretty young.

Next is Ty, our jester. His green eyes hold so much laughter and light, I don't think he's capable of frowning. This kid can make a nun laugh with one of his jokes, we've seen it. His buzz cut makes him look like the tough military guy, being 6'4 also helps, in all our pictures but in between that boy is cracking jokes with a straight face making all of us mess up the next shot.

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