Chapter 4: What Does this Mean

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"Landon, come on! Where's the fire?! Where's the passion?!" Luis, the eccentric photographer, shouted obviously frustrated with my lack of focus from behind the camera.

I sighed and rolled my shoulders, trying to release some of the tension in my shoulder and neck that had been building since I stormed out of my parents house. Breakfast started out great. We all joked around the table, just like old times. I made fun of Caleb as much as possible and mom would giggle under her breath as she would try and tell us to behave and act our age. Her mouth would tell us one thing, but I knew mom loved having both of her boys underneath the same roof cause her trouble.

There was a noticable shift in the air once Caleb left to go to school. With guitar over his shoulder, folders in one hand and pulling a suit case of instruments in the other, he shot me a head nod and yelled out the door.

"Bye mom, Bye Dad, Lando, don't be a stranger!" I watched as he packed up his Dodge Charge, almost dropping all of his sheet music, I made a mental note to take Caleb out with me and the boys next time. He looked like he needed to have a different kind of fun. I smiled at the thought of my baby brother trying to pick up chicks and how awkward he would be.

Yup, he's gonna be my new project. I wanna be an uncle someday and the only way that's gonna happen is if I help the kid out.

Once he pulled out of the driveway, I turned around to face my parents and noticed their sudden serious expressions. "Well, something must be seriously wrong if you are looking at me like that because if I remember correctly, the last time I saw that look I was nine and you told me my hamster died," I joked, trying to ease some of the tension.

My mom sent dad a weary glance, the glance that meant they were having one of their silent couple conversations; the ones that always ended in something bad.

"Guys you, got me kinda worried here," I nervously chuckled while looking from one parent to another. My palms started to sweat as my dad adjusted the collar his shirt and my mom began to fidget in her chair. The way they were acting, it was like I was four and asked where babies came from.

Clearing his throat, dad began. "Son, we have something that we thought we would never have to tell you. Not that we wanted to keep secrets from you because we love you so much but we just thought it was better if you didn't know. But you know you are the light of our life. Well you and your brother of course," he rambled.

"DAD!" I interrupted. "Take a deep breath. I'd like to know what this is before I have to leave for my shoot in about 20 minutes." Truth be told, I wanted my dad to get to the damn point. He was making me so freaking nervous it was honestly killing me. That and my mom looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"Please just let me finish before you do or say anything," his eyes pleaded with me. I don't think I've ever seen my dad this vulnerable ever in my life, and it was scaring me shitless. I realized he was waiting for me to respond before he continued, he really needed my reassurance. After I nodded he dropped the bomb.

"Landon,''re adopted."

The kitchen was silent as both my...parents? assessed my reaction. My mind was just repeating "adopted" over and over and over again as if on a loop that I wish would shut off.

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