Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home

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Around 2:30 I was already bored with the leggy blonde spread out below me. Every time she moaned she sounded like a cow. Which is why I was so thankful when Ford called me in a panic. Muttering a quick apology to the blonde, I practically ran to the hotel bathroom; leaving her pouting on the bed.

"What's up Fordy? Shouldn't you be occupied?" I chuckled a bit wondering if he was calling me for more tips.I smirked at myself in the hotel mirror. Damn, god blessed me. A purple-ish spot on my chest caught my eye.

I swear to god, I hope I don't have to take my shirt off tomorrow or else my agent will be so freaking pissed that I showed up with a huge ass hickey on my chest.

"I was until she went in to the bathroom to 'freshen up' . Everything was working perfectly! Things were hot and heavy, I thought she was totally into me," I never heard Ford this frustrated before, it he began to worry me.

"So what went wrong?" I asked trying to calm him down.

"She was in there for 15 minutes before I checked on her. I mean how long does it take to freshen up?"

"She's a girl man, you never know how long they could take."

"Well anyway, I opened the door and the window was open! She jumped out the window!" She just left no note or number," he said in a rush.

I bit back my laughter. Fordy got played.

"Were you on the first floor?"

"Yea...why?" he asked sceptically.

I wanted to face palm at his answer. "Ford never get a room on the first floor for this exact reason!"

"But you told me you should always have a quick escape!" he rationalized.

"Not out the window!" I shot back. "Look man, this blonde is boring me. I'll meet you at the house and we'll have a beer and a good laugh."

"I don't feel like laughing," he huffed.

"Well I do!"

"Dude I hate you,"

"Love you Fordy!"

"You gonna make breakfast!?" Blake asked like a wide-eyed child the next morning while I was putting the finishing touches on the coffee cake my mother asked me to make.

Honestly, these guys would starve if I didn't cook for them. If any of them tried to cook, it would usually end in a fire. My mother taught me to cook at a very young age. She told me if I cooked for a girl, she'd fall in love with me instantly.

Currently, Ty, Cody, and Ford were sitting in the living room going over the nights events. As soon as food was mentioned they all rushed in.

Once all the guys were home, I told them what happened to Ford. The guy was really beat up about losing his first catch so we spent the better part of the night trying to cheer him up. We ended up telling him embarressing failed conquests we have had over the years. That did the trick.

"Nah man. I gotta go to breakfast at the parents. You guys are on your own."

"But...But...But...But..." Cody stood in the door way, his mouth flapping open and close like a fish out of water.

"We'll starve!" Ty whined.

"Just pick something up before the shoot," I suggested. I put my master piece in a cake box and headed out the door, leaving the idiots to fend for themselves.

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