Arriving home- 1

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Coming Home


Onto the story

The order of the Phoenix stood tall over the people, cowering on the floor, all wands out and ready. About five minutes ago two people fell out of a cupboard and two men gave a very feminine scream.

Sirius and Remus stood in the front glaring at the two.
"How dare you!" Sirius screamed down at them making them shake more, "How dare you impersonate Lily and James Potter?"

"But Paddy it is me," James coughed and looked around, "Moony, I thought one fury problem was enough,"

Dumbledore walked to the front as order members moved so he could walk forward.

"James, Lily is it actually you?"

"Yes profes," Lily coughed shivering, "Ser,"
James hugged her trying to help her.

Dumbledore clapped his hands and shooed away people. The only left the room was Sirius, Remus, lily, James and himself.

"Prongs, is it really you?" Remus sniffed, James nodded weakly and was swooped up in a massive hug from Sirius as lily was gently picked up and hugged from Remus.

Very short introduction but I am still needing to find a plot line for this so it won't be updated for a little while. This was originally
going to be part of chapter one but I can't be bothered finishing it.

Word count- 220

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