PDA dream- bonus chapter

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Coming home
Bonus chapter

Snape's dream


I walked towards a great oak door that appeared as if by magic. When I pushed it open I saw to people walking hand in hand. They didn't see me as I walked fast away from the door to follow them. When I got close enough I realised it was two men.
Two men should not be able to hold hands that is an utter disgrace. Horrifying matters for worse as the taller man with shaggy hair bent and kisses the top on the other mans black hair.

Obviously it was Sirius and Remus. To be honest I had seen a lot of their 'public displays of affection' lately and to be quite frank, it was rather disgusting.

We came across a set of stairs and they sat down. Sirius on Remus lap pulling him in for a kiss. That was enough to make me sprint away. Worst mistake of my life.

As I turned the corner an average sized man came into the hall with a women. Hand in hand with her head on his shoulder. He lent and captured her lips in a tender kiss.
I crept forward trying to ovoid them but I heard three horrible words that made my world stop

"I love you," she said to James

He smiled down at her, flashing his teeth in a high grin.
"Well that's good because I love you too, and I always will. No matter how much I end up making you hate me. Even when you realise I'm a big idiot and decide to divorce me, I will still love you unconditionally,"

She stopped walking and so did he. She placed her arms gently around his neck as he swooped his arms around her waist.

"I don't plan on ever leaving, you are my heart, soul and better half. I love you so much James,"

And to make it worse they signed the declaration with a long passionate kiss. I was gone long before they finished. I needed to scrub the pain and torture from my mind. I must get rid of the memory of the kisses. I need to clean my eyes with soap and remove my brain so I would never have to relive those moments.


AN- don't you just love it when your so called friends led you on and then play with your emotions like your a doll. Don't fuck with my emotions and then think it's all fine and then act like I did something wrong.

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