After all this time- 2

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Coming home
Chapter two

"After all this time"

"So Albus, what year would Harry be in now?" James realised, shaking his dark hair out of his face. It had been a few weeks since Lily and James had fallen out of the cupboard and Sirius and Remus found them.

"It is the holidays now but he will be going into 6th year soon," Dumbledore replied instantly, "But James, I have a proposal for you,"

"No!" Sirius screamed from across the room getting off Remus' lap, "Dumbledore, Albus mate. You can't propose to dear jamsie, you can't mess up my ship,"

James stood up, grasped his heart looking shocked, "I can't believe you would say that Siri Poo, don't you see that we are in love,". He ran to the old man and hugged him kissing him on the cheek.

"James! Get off him!" Lily spoke walking into the room with Molly and Arthur trailing behind. James let of him and sashayed to his wife and placed a kiss on her lips. At this moment of PDA Sirius let out a cheer of joy and wrapped his arms around Remus whispering things about how canon they were.

Arthur and Molly sat down on the green couch whilst Lily and James took the floor. Lily took a sip of her drink and paced it to her husband who took a drink of it.

"So James what would you say to becoming a teacher at Hogwarts? Defence Against the dark arts of course,"

And the drink was then spurted towards Sirius and Remus who were cuddling on the armchair.

Laughter then erupted from the air chair in the corner where Sirius was now gasping for air trying and failing to contain himself.

"Your kidding right!" Shouted Sirius laughing while his boyfriend slapped him, "You want him to teach at Hogwarts. We were and probably still are the ones who have spent the most time in your office,"

"I would count your chickens before they hatch Sirius, Fred and George are quite the trouble makers. They praise a stupid map called something the maraper map or something like that, and they are always going on about moony, Padfoot and pongs or something," Molly spoke

Remus, Sirius and James looked at each other with the same shocked face.

"Wait, Albus why didn't you get rid of it once it was taken of us? You kept the marauders map. Why?" Remus asked

Molly and Arthur shared a look before smiling at the men. "I knew you guys probably had something to do with it,"

"But Albus I think I might actually take it," James said as his wife smiled at him before tackling him to the ground in a vicious hug.

"No, you can't take it, first Remi, now you. Why do you all have to become teachers? Albus do you expect me to then become a teacher too? Because that will never happen mate,"

James looked at Remus in surprise whilst lily looked proud at one of her boys.

"Well I never,"


"So Sirius, you and Remus...?" James asked when everyone left after dinner

"Yeah, to be honest, it's the best thing that has ever happened to me. Other than pushing you off the boats in first year,"

The two men laughed a bit then separated and went to their assigned rooms.


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