Mr Potter- 3

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AN- I think I need to listen to a different lot of music because it seems that every day I just listen to the same song on repeat and today it has been 'Far away' and that song gives me life so I recommend it. It is amazing but if anyone has a song they think I should listen to tell me. Madi this is not for you.

Coming home
Chapter three

'Mr potter'

Hermione and Ron watched as Harry fell to the ground being very dramatic. Lily ran forward and grabbed his hand lifting him up and placing him on a chair Dumbledore magically placed.


"Aunt petunia stop, I'm awake. Back off. No need to keep poking me!" Harry screamed when James would stop poking him.

Harry's eyes flashed open and he took in the surroundings. Dumbledores dark office, a man that looks identical to Harry expect the eyes, a woman standing next to him with dark red hair. He looked to the left to see his friends smiling at him.

"You know Harry your parents are actually brilliant people," Hermione stated filling the silence.

He looked back at the taller people crowding him, "Okay you can stop pretending now, this is just a very sick joke,"

"Harry, baby, it's not a joke it's actually us,"

"No! Stop it! Dumbledore, how dare you let them in!"


"Hermione shut up, I don't know how you can just let these people keep pretending to be my parents without saying anything other than they are brilliant! My parents are dead! Gone! Never coming back!" He said before the tears starting falling.

"Believe me Harry, I thought the same thing but it really is your parents. It really is my best friend. I have no idea how but it just happened," said Sirius as he appeared out of the curtains trying to scare them.

"Harry, I know this is hard for you but I just need you to know that your parents are actually back and it's not a random couple pretending to be them, ask them anything," Remus finished coming out after Sirius. Then walking to him and hugging him from behind.

"Okay then, what did I call the toy dog when I was a baby?"

"You called it padmus but you couldn't pronounce it so it was always 'amus' and it was the most precious thing ever," lily replied instantly.

Harry looked around shocked, "It is,"

He ran forward and they enveloped him in a warm hug. Sirius and Remus joined and grabbed Ron and Hermione to join the hug.

"As touching as this is, it is almost 11.30 and I think the children should be off to bed now,"

And that was the meeting of Harry and his parents.


The next morning after breakfast the sixth year Gryffindors and Slytherins had Defence Against the Dark arts and it normal begins in a boring matter. Every year but third it was a boring start to the year. This year was definitely not going to be like the 5 years before because if James Potter was good at three things it would be pranks, being a dorky cinnamon roll and being amazing at first impressions. He would never start off a year with a boring class. Otherwise he would never hear the end of it from Sirius. So he asked Remus what to do who said anything other than werewolves.

James decided on doing something meaningful and using a topic he knew quite a bit about animagus'.

At 9.15 the class filed in taking their seats. A few gasps were heard when they looked at the teacher properly.

"Hello class, my name is Mr Potter and I hope you find this class as interesting as I did when I was a student,"

"Aren't you meant to be dead?" A voice shouted from across the room.

Everyone turned their heads to face the pale, blonde haired boy that was now standing up at the back. "That's why Potter is  so famous, because your dead,"

Draco started walking around the class and stopped when he got to Harry. "Not so special are you now, Potter," he spat out his name like it was dirt in his mouth.

"Um excuse me but you must be the Malfoy," James asked with caution as he had been warned by Harry the night before

"Don't talk to me like that, my father will hear about this and I won't be taught by some dead guy that is alive all of a sudden," he started walking to the back of the room opening the doors, "We don't need another ghost," and he had slammed the doors shut.

During class James taught the rest of the eager students about the process of becoming an animagus and the precautions. But after class was when the real drama began.


"Potter your father is just as worthless as you are," Malfoy said as he kicked Harry in the stomach, "A piece of junk," kick, "Deserves to be dead," kick, "You should have died with him," kick, "And where is your worthless piece of rubbish you would call your mummy," kick,"Is she dead?" He laughed. 

"To be honest your whole family should have died that night and once you-know-who finds out they are alive, he will finish what he began,"


Harry felt a jolt of pain strike through his chest like a lightening bolt. He looked down and saw blood bashing out of him. His legs buckled and he feel to the ground. The red blood staining the White floor.

Harry saw Draco running off but the rest of what happened lay a mystery. Darkness covered Harry as he lay unconscious on the floor.

It took a few minutes before Flitwick discovered the sight and rushed Harry to the hospital wing immediately where Madam Pofrey treated him swiftly.

Word count- 983

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