Snape is an arse- 4

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JUST A WARNING: some of this will be from the half blood prince because I love this part.

Coming home
Chapter four

'Snape is an arse'

It took two worry filled days for Harry to wake up. He took a look around the room and saw Michael Corner, Ginny's boyfriend, sitting on a bed with a black eyes and swollen lips.

"Ahh, Mr Potter, you can go back to sleep after drinking this medicine. It may taste horrible but it is going to help you," Madam Pofrey said as she walked past his bed and saw he was sitting up.

He woke up with his parents sitting next to him with Ron, Ginny and Hermione standing behind.
Ron looked to the side and saw Michael sitting up looking at Ron terrified  Harry saw the glances and it all clicked.
Ron told Harry all summer that if Michael broke up with Ginny he would beat him up. So that must be what happened, but then why does Ginny look so happy.

"Okay this is way too many people, so students other than Mr Potter you must leave and go to class," Madam Pofrey spoke calmly even though you could see she wanted to scream.

"Harry! What happened? All we were told was that you were seriously injured," James cried.

"Malfoy said stuff then-,"

"What did I tell you about getting into fights?!" Lily screamed from beside her husband

"Shush please or I will be forced to ask you to leave,"

James and lily nod and whisper a sorry.
"What happened next?" James whispered

"He kicked me  and then that's all I know,"

"It can't be you had massive gashes and blood every where," lily interrupted

"I don't know,"

"Okay son," James said before looking at his watch, "Well I've got to go teach some first years,"

Lily left soon after talking to Madam Pomfrey  about when Harry could leave which was later on that day.


"Harry!" Hermione called as he walked into the common room that night. Sh ran to the bottom of the boys stairwell "He's back guys," She yelled up the stairs.

A ginger ran down the stairs and tripped on the last one, flying out onto the floor. Laughter filled the room when all the other boys walked down the stairs. A feminine giggle came from a dark corner and Ginny walked out to laugh at her brother.

"Hi Harry," she said before quickly disappearing up her stairs.

"So what happened today?" Harry asked Ron and Hermione.

"Pansy and Draco got detention from your dad for calling your mother the m word," Hermione said quickly

"What?" Harry whisper screamed



The next morning breakfast went quickly and the only major thing going on according to Ron was the glances between Ginny and Harry. Potions was first period and Snape was in a worse mood than normal. He took at least 150 points off Gryffindor, 20 from Neville for not being able do do something, 30 for Hermione trying to help him and 100 from Harry trying to tell him that what he did was bad, but that only made it worse.

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