Triple Hit- 6

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Coming home

Triple hit

A/N- hey look it's me I'm back. What a surprise I'm actually updating. School has been stupid and I'm had so many doctors appointments. Also listen to How to Save a Life by the Fray and cry .because Sirius and James. Enjoy this. I actually am so proud of this chapter and the ideas in it. I planned them ages ago but it took me a while to find the book I wrote them down in. So enough excises and onto the story.

Triple hit

The holidays went by quickly because they were very enjoyable. The trip on the train was quick as Harry and Ginny both fell asleep in their compartment soon after Ron and Hermione did. Ron was first after complaining he felt sick.

Hermione was the first to wake up as smiled at the couple across from her, with their limbs intertwined. Harry's hand wrapped around her protectively and Ginny pressed into Harry's chest. She didn't want to interrupt them so she reached for her small bag that contained her favourite book; Matilda. It has always been her favourite as a child because when she was younger and discovered some of her accidental magic, she thought she was just Matilda.

The book was interesting and she finished it quickly enjoying it thoroughly. After a while she got bored of having no one to talk to so se went for a walk on the train. An empty compartment looking like it hadn't wen used in decades was at the end on the carriage she was on. She wanted to explore it but the door wouldn't open and the dirty windows blocked her from seeing in.

Hogsmead station was cold and windy when the train pulled up. The light covering of snow glistened on the paths. The snowflakes were still falling as the students dismounted the train.
The magical carriages soon came to take the students up and away to the castle. Ginny was whisked away by her friends and was quizzed about her holidays.

Ginny woke up with a start. Someone was standing above her and woke her by shaking her.
"Harry?" She spoke sleepily, "What are you doing here"

"I'm here to take you somewhere, meet me downstairs when your ready. Be warm" at that he left her to get dressed.

'Be warm' rang in her head as she got dressed. A black shirt and leggings. She walked to her closet and pulled out her gryffindor jumper and a black scarf. Her furry socks lay over the back of her chair near the small, cluttered desk in the corner.

When Ginny was dressed and had done her hair in a loose braid, went downstairs to find Ron and Hermione in a corner aggressively yet quietly discussing something. Harry was waiting on the couch next to Fred and George discussing their shop. She cleared her throat and watched as only Harry looked up. He smiled and stood up walking towards her to embrace her in a warm hug. Ginny placed a sweet kiss on Harry's lips and he gratefully returned the kiss.

"Harry," Ron said warningly

They broke apart, Ginny glaring at her older brother. Harry pat her arm an walked into the kitchen.

"Soooo baby Gin Gin, you and scar boy?" Fred chirped raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"They just snogged in front of you Fred, for merlins sake," Ron snapped from his corner.

"Ronnikins what about you and Lav Lav?" Ginny retorted

The twins shared and evil glance and looked back at Ron with a mischievous glare in their eyes.

"Don't do anything too bad to him," Harry whispered into her ear, snaking his arms around her tiny waist. This lead Ginny to jumping slightly but then relaxing into his chest. "Come on an adventure with me,"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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