Note from the Author

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Please note- this book is very old and cringy. This is only posted so you all can see that anyone, no matter how bad you think your writing is now, you CAN improve. As you can see, my writing used to suck a lot worse than it does now. 

My tone in any A/Ns here are a little...stuck up, so I do apologize for that.

I hope you don't cringe too bad! After this point, there will be no edits in this book.

An Ikara, in the language of Illiara, basically means "the adroit (skilled) of the weapons" This means ALL weapons: swords, daggers, bows, etc. The Ikara specialize in specific targets: for example, taking down the most skilled or those in charge.

However, this does not mean that they are assassins. That is a common misconception (for countries outside of Illiara), but there is simply no word in their language for them. That is why they will be referred to as "The Ikara".

You may also be confused what time period this is in. This entire book is in the early medieval ages, but this land is mainly scattered towns, and not castles.

Thank you!

Another note- Please please PLEASE be honest with your assessment of this book. The WHOLE reason this book is even here is so I can IMPROVE it (or glue it back together after it's been ripped to shreds by critiques). That is what I WANT. 

Thank you again.

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