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The first drop of water hit Elise on the shoulder.

"It's raining!"

There was a gasp from Theodore as everyone increased their pace. The mountains were only a little ways away. "We're almost there!" yelled Tigrae. Everyone let out sighs of relief. We're not there yet, Elise reminded herself.

Elise looked behind her at the storm, and barely had time to yell "Rain!" before they were all drenched.

Instantly, Theodore's progress slowed to a crawl. Each step seemed to tire him as the water sapped his strength. He made it one step...then two...

"That's it! We're so close to the mountains!" Starlan encouraged him. "Just a little farther."

Theodore suddenly collapsed. Elise and Tigrae immediately stopped and helped him up. "Come on, Theodore. You can do it."

With a grunt, he forced himself to his feet, his legs almost buckling. He stumbled, then leaned on Elise's shoulder heavily as he tried to move. Elise put her arm around his waist, supporting some of his weight.

"That's it," coaxed Elise. "Just a bit farther. Just a few more steps..." They were almost to the mountains now. "Come on! You can do it!"

He needs to rest, thought Elise. She quickly scanned the mountains and spotted an overhang. With a little more coaxing, Theodore stumbled under the rocky overhang and sat down awkwardly with Elise. "There. Good job! You made it!"

Theodore nodded and gave her a weak smile, exhausted. "Th-thanks, Elise."

Elise smiled at him. "No problem." It was no big deal; she had done this before when he fell into the lake. He should know that she'd help him. But the smile on his face made it seem like it meant all in the world.

She suddenly noticed that her arm was still around his waist. She quickly moved it away. They both looked away so they wouldn't see each other's faces flush. Deep breaths, Elise, she thought as she felt her face return to normal. She felt that it was safe to turn and hold hands.

She turned back toward Theodore, and realized their faces were quite close together. Theodore started closing the distance slowly, his wet hair glowing when the lightning flashed and Elise couldn't move, couldn't think, all she wanted was the space between them gone...

"Ahem. If you lovebirds are quite finished..." Tigrae ducked under the overhang.

Theodore and Elise both lurched away from each other, flushed. "L-lovebirds?"

Tigrae smirked. "If you'd both just admit that you like each other, I'm sure that this situation wouldn't feel awkward at all."

Elise froze. Theodore likes me? I mean...I know I like him, but- NO! Elise, don't even THINK about the fact that you like him.

"Come now, I know you do. You were about to kiss. It'll be so much easier if you-"

"What do you know about this stuff?" interrupted Theodore weakly, face still red.

Tigrae's face darkened. Theodore immediately inched away. "Sorry. I didn't mean..."

Elise understood instantly. The soldiers had taken too many victims...

Tigrae scowled. "You did mean what you said. Now stop talking about her!"

Theodore was silent.

"Good," growled Tigrae.

Elise was still in shock about Tigrae's first statement. Theodore liked her?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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