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Elise's heart was still pounding hard from the encounter. Her footsteps on the forest floor shook her entire being, reminding her of the march of the soldiers. Her head still pounded with the incessant chants of the memories.

She glanced at Theodore, wondering if her suffered the same. He seemed unfazed, but Elise knew him well enough to know that he was feeling tormented inside.

The demons inside of her thrashed and wailed, calling for vengeance. Elise now realized that, until this moment, she had not really accepted that Faelen was dead . . . Dead. She'd never see him again . . .

And the town was gone. Burned. Everyone she had ever known . . . dead. Her life was gone.

Elise felt that her heart had shattered in a thousand pieces, each one reduced to dust, except one. Theodore. She treasured that piece of glass, all that remained of her life.

She glanced over at him to make sure he was really there, and not just wishful thinking. He looked over and held out his hand. Elise took it gratefully, feeling the only flame in her darkness as flesh and blood.

Theodore looked at her with despair. Elise noticed for the first time the shattered look in his eyes, same as hers; shattered emeralds and sapphires. He had seen all she had seen as well. Finally he spoke. "Death is . . . real. "

It seemed like an obvious statement, but Elise knew what he felt. The only death of someone close to her had been before she could remember it. "Yes. It seemed . . . fake. Fictitious. Until now. " She looked at him, suddenly wondering what he had seen. "Who . . . " She couldn't continue.

He caught her meaning. "My . . . my family. My little brother . . . "

Elise's heart cringed. Little Eilyon . . . the perfect epitome of a cute little brother, no more than 10 summers now. Ruffled light brown hair, and adoring little silver eyes . . . no. Not him . . .

Elise remembered the first time she had seen him. It had been her seventh summer, and she was visiting Theodore's house for the first time . . .

"This is my little brother, Eilyon. Say hello, Eilyon! " said Theodore to Elise.

The tiny little toddler looked up at the elfra. "Hewwo, " he said with the cutest lisp.

"Hello there, little one. "

Eilyon looked up to Theodore. "I'm gonna go on avenchures wif Theodore when I gwoh up! "

"You are, are you? " laughed Elise softly.

He nodded at her proudly. "Wat's your name? "

"My name is Elise. "

"Hewwo, Ewise. "

Theodore smiled down at his brother. "I'm going to the woods with Elise now. Behave yourself! "

"Okay, Theo! "

The memory faded, and Elise tried to blink back the tears now rolling freely down her face. "Oh, Theodore . . . "

Theodore gripped her hand tightly. "It's . . . it's alright. I'm fine. " His voice was broken, shattered. Elise knew he was anything but fine. She had loved Eilyon enough, but for Theodore . . . it must be killing him. She looked into his eyes and saw the tears welling up there. His gaze locked on hers, and he sent her a silent message: Don't talk about it. It'll make it worse.

Elise hated to ask it, but she had to know. "Your parents? "

Theodore shut his eyes briefly. "The house . . . the fire. "

Illiara: Master of Arms [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now