chapter 1

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ella's pov

from: marie❤️💙💛
about to board my plane in philly, ill see you at the airport in about 2 hours?

I looked down at my phone to see that my best friend Marie had texted me.

to: marie ❤️💙💛
ill be there!!! see you then! 😘

Marie was my best friend that I had met over Instagram in the eighth grade. She lived in Michigan, but was moving to New York, where I live, in a couple of weeks. we had met at least twice, once in ninth grade when she came to California (where i lived my entire life until this past year) on a family trip to Disneyland, and once two years ago, when we came to New York at the same time. I was so excited for her to get here, so that she could sleep over at my place and we could just talk all night, like we did the first time we met (well, we did that and we belted broadway songs the entire night).
I was so preoccupied with looking at my phone that I didn't look up as I made my way through times square. It's probably a good thing too, now that I think about it, because if I hadn't been looking down at my phone, I would have seen the risen sidewalk. And if I had, my life wouldn't be the same.
So, as I said before, I didn't notice that the sidewalk ahead of me was risen and uneven, so naturally, being the klutz I am, I tripped. When I started falling, I thought, oh crap, if i split my head open or get a concussion, i won't be able to pick up marie from the airport!
But then, all of a sudden, I stopped falling, but not because I had hit the ground. Someone must have caught me! the unknown person put me upright, and I whipped around to see who it was.
The boy looked very familiar, but i couldn't place it, almost like i knew him, but couldn't remember his name. He looked about my age, with blond hair that was lighter than mine, and a beaming smile.
"thanks for catching me, lol" i said, that being only thing i could come up with.boy, ella, that sounded so stupid, I thought to myself. He brushed a small piece of hair out of his eyes and said,
"no problem. be glad to do it anytime."

"wow, i think that's the first time i have ever heard a guy say that. most guys i have met would enjoy letting me fall, and then laughing at me once i hit the ground. " I said.

"well, not me! im andrew, by the way." he reached out his hand to shake mine.

"ella! nice to meet you andrew! you look super familiar, i just can't place it. eh, you probably look like one of my fifty million annoying little cousins i was forced to meet last christmas." i told him, shaking his hand.

"no, that's not it, i mean it might be, but probably not. i think i know where you know me from. btw, you can tell we should be friends because i tolerated you comparing me to an annoying little child.  that's not something i normally do."

"really? we should be friends, that would be cool! ugh, i can't think of where i may know you from, other than that you are on broadway." i said.

"ding ding ding! im in newsies! have you seen it yet?" he asked.

"nope, not yet. one show at a time, you know? i just saw wicked for the billionth time, and i was planning on seeing newsies next, or maybe something else, idk. but it will probably be newsies now that i have a friend in the show!"

"yeah, you know what? are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon? you could come by between shows and meet the guys and hang out!"

"I would love that! what time should I be there?"

"anytime between 2:45 and 7:00! here, text me when you get to the netherlander tomorrow, and I will meet you in the lobby and bring you backstage. does that sound good?" he asked, and put his number in my phone, which i had handed to him.

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