chapter 9

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"good morning el."  andrew rolled over in bed to face me as my eyes fluttered open.
"wait...why are you in my bed uhhh what happen-" i said, confused, trying to remember if anything had happened the night before.
"oh..god, no nothing happened. i slept on the floor, but i just came up into bed when i woke up. here, i put this pillow thing in between us just so you knew. " he laughed.
"oh. ok." i giggled, and then took the pillow in between us off the bed. i rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. i stayed like that for a minute, until i heard laughing from the front room.
"uh, should i go see what that is?" andrew asked, and i shook my head.
"no, ill go look. it's probably marie." i pushed the covers off of me, climbed out of bed, and walked to the door. marie and garrett were having a tickle fight on the couch when i walked out, and i coughed to get their attention.
"oh, good morning ella! merry christmas! " marie said, blushing a little.
"merry christmas! are you hungry now or want to wait until later to eat breakfast?" i asked, deciding to ignore the tickle fight situation, "oh and merry christmas garrett!" i said.
" a little later, but i can put the cinnamon rolls in now. where's andrew?" she asked, and i pointed with my thumb back towards my room. she raised her eyebrows, but i shook my head and nodded towards garrett. she violently shook hers and garrett said,
"are you guys communicating?" marie and i laughed and nodded, and he looked bewildered.
"it's a best friend thing." i said, and he just nodded.
" what time is garrett coming o- never mind he's already here." andrew got out of bed and walked to stand next to me in the doorway of my room.
"hey dude. merry christmas!" garrett said, waving at andrew. they both laughed and bro-hugged.
"it's been like 24 hours since you have seen each other. you're acting odd. " i said, rolling my eyes. marie motioned to the tree with her eyes, and i nodded. at the same exact time, we turned around and went into our rooms, grabbing our presents for the boys and each other.
"woah did you guys like choreograph that?" andrew said when we came back out.
"uh, no. i just told garrett, it's a best friend thing. like a sixth sense or something. we don't need to talk, we can talk with our eyes i guess. " i explained.
"how come we don't have that?" garrett and andrew started to have an in intense staring match to try and have the telepathy or whatever we had.
" anyways: here." marie said, handing her gift to garrett as i handed mine to andrew. we then sat down on the couch, and handed our gifts to each other.
"wait, let me go get my gifts." andrew said, running into my room. garrett did the same but with marie's room. they both came out holding one or two packages.
"here you go." andrew handed me two gifts, one small and one a little bigger.
"thank you my crutchie." i said, grinning at him.
"you didn't get anything for me? marie and ella got each other something, but you didn't get me anything?" garrett faked looking taken aback.
"did you get me anything?" andrew raised his eyebrows.
"well, no but-" garrett stuttered.
"proves your point. ok, who is opening first?" andrew asked.
"me!!" garrett squealed, grabbing his gift from marie off the table. he opened it to reveal a water bottle with pictures of marie and garrett all over it.
"did you make this?" garrett asked marie, looking amazedly at the water bottle.
"with a little help from shutterfly, yeah!" she blushed. he kissed her cheek, causing her to blush even more.
"i love it. you open yours now!!" garrett motioned to andrew. he unwrapped the present, and gasped at what was inside the paper.
"el- i- oh my god it-" andrew stuttered, at a loss for words at he completely unwrapped the camera box. "you got me a new camera?" he looked up at me, eyes wide.
"yeah. i knew you needed a new one, and i thought this one looked like a super awesome camera, i spent a lot of time talking on the phone with the store people to find the perfect one, i hope this is the right one and-" i babbled, but was cut off by a kiss from andrew.
"thank you so much el. it's amazing. i love it so much, i mean, not as much as i love you." he said, and garrett groaned.
"that was cheezy dude, admit it." garrett said, and i laughed.
"it was adorable." i said, looking into andrew's eyes.
"oK WELL MARIE OPEN YOUR GIFT! NOW SO THEY CAN STOP BEING ALL LOVEY DOVEY." garrett exclaimed, and marie burst into laughter. she unwrapped the small box, and then opened the lid.
"is this? are these?" she pulled out two plane tickets, two magic bands and a note out of the box. i gasped, realizing what garrett had given marie.
"read the note." garrett smiled, and marie read,
"dear marie, you have probably figured this out by now, but you and i are going to disneyworld. five days, staying at the grand polynesian, just you and me. better start packing your bags soon, we leave in two weeks. love, garrett." marie read the note out loud, her voice getting louder every time she read a new sentence. she threw her arms around garrett, just about crying.
" garrett thank you thank you thank you thank you. this is the best gift i have ever received! i love you so much." she said into his shoulder.
"time for ella to open her gifts! open the big one first, el." andrew instructed, so i started to unwrap the big box. i pulled out a shoebox, throwing all the paper away from me and putting the shoebox on my lap. i opened the box, and gasped when i saw what was inside.
"are these tap boots? like the ones from your show! andrew! these are awesome i love them so much!" i exclaimed.
"the taps are removable, in case you need to do some carrying the banner and seizing the day in between your king of new yorking." andrew laughed, and i hugged him super tight. i put the shoebox on the floor, and then picked up the small little present. i unwrapped the paper to find a small box, which looked curiously like a jewelry box. inside the small box i found a gold necklace with a small gold heart on the chain. the heart was engraved with a+e.
"andrew, i-. it's beautiful." i stuttered out, and he had me turn around and lift up my hair so he could put it on me.
"im so glad you like it." he said, smiling down at me.
" i love you." i said, putting my head on his shoulder.
"i love you too." he said, kissing my forehead.
"ok, now it's time for me to open my gift from ella!" marie announced, causing me to giggle.
"is this? aahh it is!! thank you so much ella, you remembered!!" she said as she unwrapped the silver picture frame. marie had been wanting this picture frame since we first came to nyc together a few years am was real silver, so it was pretty expensive, and she always said she would put a picture of us in it.
"how could i forget?! you have wanted that for SO LONG!" i exclaimed, laughing. i started opening mine, and squealed when i saw what it was.
"newsies tickets? you're kidding." i exclaimed, laughing.
"front row! it's a gift for both us and the boys, they get to look at our lovely faces all show." marie said, laughing along with me.
~ten minutes later~
"andrew, are you making sure garrett doesn't burn the sausage and bacon?"
"yes! but i have to make sure im not burning the pancakes!" andrew yelled at me.
"ok!!" i said, starting to frost the cinnamon rolls. a few minutes later, we were all sitting at the small kitchen table, watching the disney christmas parade. andrew's pancakes were barely burnt, and marie's eggs were perfect.
"thank you for making the bacon and sausage." i told garrett, and he pretended to tip an imaginary hat.
"we should probably start getting ready for the newsies party..." marie said, checking the time.
"true. do you have stuff to wear here or do you need to go home?" i asked andrew.
"i brought some stuff. it's not fancy, it's pretty casual. " he said, and garrett agreed.
"i have stuff too." he said, looking at marie.
"ok! well how about the boys get their stuff and change in my room and ella and i will change in her room." marie stated, getting up and putting her plate in the sink.
when i got into my room, i changed into a maroon skater skirt and the blue newsies shirt i had gotten a few weeks ago, along with blue chucks. marie curled my hair, and then put it in my signature half up half down hairstyle. i grabbed my crossbody bag that matched the blue of my shirt and shoes, my present for the secret santa, and my black jacket and walked out to the front door of my apartment. garrett was already standing there, and i asked,
"where's andrew?"
"doing his hair." garrett sighed, rolling his eyes, "your boyfriend is way too obsessed with his hair."
"well, so is your girlfriend." i retorted, and he shrugged his shoulders and nodded as if to say, " good point".
"im finally done. let's go." andrew and marie said at the same time, walking out of separate rooms. garrett and i just looked at each other.
"they're keepers." we said at the same time.
"today is one odd day." andrew said, walking up to me and holding out his arm.
"thank you sir." i linked my arm into his and we all started walking out of the building and to the party.
~at the party~
"hey! welcome to mi casa uhhhh i forgot your names but come on in!" tommy opened the door, wobbling a little.
"how drunk is he?" i asked ben, who was standing behind him.
"eh, he's actually not that bad. just wait until the end of the night." ben laughed.
"hey! you guys! i want you to meet my girlfriend clara!" bres ran up to us, holding hands with a girl i had never seen before.
"hello!" she waved the hand that wasn't holding bres'.
"nice to meet you clara! im ella!" i said, and marie said,
"im marie!" we both waved, and then walked into the front room of the apartment.
"YAY THEY ARE HERE WE CAN DO PRESENTS NOW!" ryan exclaimed. everyone sat on the couch, and tommy said,
"ok, here's how it works. everyone is going to give the person who you got a gift for their gift, and then we will take turns opening."
i stood up from my seat next to andrew, who also stood up, and i delivered my gift to ryan. garrett walked over and handed me my gift, and i smiled.
everyone opened their gifts one by one, and when ryan opened his he squealed.
"tickets to the ballet!!! AAAHH ella thank you!!!" he exclaimed, running over to hug me.
"i was thinking you could take your girlfriend! i knew you both would love it." i explained.
"you were right!! i can't wait, thank you so much!"
i opened my gift next, and found that garrett had gotten me a snapback that said im with the dancing newsboys on it, with pictures of me and the boys behind the letters.
"i got a little help from your best friend and her mad shutterfly skills." he smiled.
"i love it SO much!!"  i exclaimed, hugging him, then putting the hat on backwards, as i did with all my hats.
the rest of the night was extremely fun. tommy only got more drunk, i got to know bres' girlfriend clara(who i think we will be seeing more of by the way her and bres act) , and everyone had a great time. i fell asleep, head on andrew's shoulder, on the cab ride home, he had to carry me to the apartment. i woke up to him climbing into bed next to me, and i smiled at him.
"merry christmas ella. i love you." he said, smiling and kissing my forehead before putting his head down onto the pillow next to me.

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