chapter 4

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ella's pov
"so what happened yesterday with you?" tell me all about coffee with andrew and everything else you did!" marie said, putting her head on her hands and looking intently at me, just like garrett.
"wow. you and garrett need to talk more, you have lots in common i think. well, coffee was fine, no, great, and uh...." i said, trailing off and smiling.
"uh what?! he didn't...he did! he asked you to be his girlfriend!?!" she exclaimed. told you we were best friends, we knew each other way too well. i nodded, blushing and beaming.
" OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD MY BEST FRIEND HAS A BOYFRIEND! OH MY GOD." marie screamed, jumping up and down on the couch.
"good morning to you too," said andrew, walking into the apartment.
"morning a" i said, getting up to give him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.
"ugh, wow, i just remembered that im single af. this is sad. i gotta go find me a man." marie said.
"actually....." andrew said, and at that moment, marie's phone started ringing. she picked it up and said,
"hello? oh hi!! uh, no, just hanging out around ella's apartment! yeah, sure, I'd love to! the theatre? sure! ill see you then! bye!" marie hung up the phone and looked at me and andrew with wide eyes. "well, that was garrett! he asked if i wanted to go out to brunch with him! he's meeting me at the theatre in 30 minutes! i gotta get ready!!" she exclaimed, running into the room where her bags were. when she was gone, andrew and i fist bumped.
"we're a good team." i said, smiling at him.
"a great one." he smiled and kissed me.i cupped his cheeks in my hands and kissed him back. i had no idea how long we had been kissing when marie screamed,
"GET A ROOM!" from the bathroom where she was getting ready.
"HUSH YOU!" i yelled back, and then went right back to kissing andrew.
marie left ten minutes later, while andrew and i were on the couch deciding where to go for brunch.
"have fun you!!" i said to marie as she walked out the door.
"i will!" she exclaimed and closed the door.
"i say... we skip brunch and just go for lunch later, and....... idk, go see a show?" andrew suggested.
"that would be great, but, i, um, don't have the money for a ticket." i said, a little ashamed at my lack of money.
"that's ok, ill buy you a ticket!! what do you want to see? wicked, matilda-"
"no, andrew, i don't want you to have to buy me a ticket, that's not fair to you, and i don't want you to have to pay for me out of pity..." i cut him off, not wanting to make myself the subject of pity because of my lack of money.
"i promise, it's not out of pity. its not the time to tell you why i am doing it now, but when it is time i will tell you. and here, you can buy us lunch afterwards,that will be fair. c'mon, what do you say?"
"....ok... but i am buying lunch no matter what, you cannot stop me." I sighed, standing up and pulling andrew up with me. I grabbed my small bag and we walked out of my apartment, hand in hand.
We ended up seeing A Gentleman's Guide to Love And Murder, and we couldn't stop talking about it all the way to the Netherlander. Once we got there, we walked into the actual theatre and were surprised to see the director of newsies standing there.
"hey andrew, ella! how are you?" he asked.
"um, same as yesterday, pretty good!" andrew said, and i nodded.
"well, don't mind me, im just surveying the stage area. oh yes! ella, may i speak to you alone for a minute? don't be nervous andrew, it's all good things." he asked. I looked at Andrew,then back at him and nodded. he motioned for me to follow him a few meters away until andrew was out of earshot. i wonder what this was about?
andrew's pov
as the director was talking to ella, i could see her smiling and nodding happily. when they finished talking, ella skipped over to me and i asked,
"what was that all about?"
"ill tell you later..." she said, but i was worried.
"it's nothing bad, it's a good thing, but i am not sure if i want you to know yet." she said. that reassured me the tiniest bit, but it still made me nervous for some reason. we walked backstage, because i had to get ready for the matinee. ella sat at my dressing room counter, playing around with my makeup and looking at all the gifts i have gotten from fans over the last year i have been with the show.
"wow, there are lots of letters in here from fansies announcing their love to you. ooh, a few marriage proposals too. you may want to tell them you have a girlfriend..." she said, putting my crutchie hat on my head.
"that may be wise..." I opened my Instagram for the first time since I posted the picture of ella yesterday morning. Instantly, my activity blew up,as it always did when I hadn't checked it for a while. I clicked on the little orange notification that came up, and then clicked on the picture. I decided to check the comments, hoping none were bad. Fortunately, most were extremely nice, but there were a few bad ones.
wow! is that your girlfriend? she's so pretty!!

just warning you, @ellathemusicalbug , don't touch my man.

awww andrew! you two would look so cute together!

woah. she cannot be your girlfriend, just by looking at her you i can tell you deserve better
I decided to respond to the hate comments with: yes, she is my girlfriend, and by hating on her you are not being a good fan. i don't want to have fans who hate on the people I love, so you can leave if you are going to continue.

I felt satisfied with my response, and then took a picture of ella, who was looking in my mirror and putting on my makeup that looked like dirt.
"im a newsie now!" she said. I laughed and posted the picture with the caption: my girlfriend makes a pretty good newsie💖📰@ellathemusicalbug

ella's phone dinged right after I did, and she looked at it and said,
"you posted a picture of me?" She typed  something, then said,
"check your instagram."
I looked at the picture I posted, and saw a new comment.
@ellathemusicalbug: 💘💘💘
I smiled and blew a kiss to her, and she blew one back. Just then, Ben walked into the room and just looked back and forth between us.
"ok, number one, why do you look like a newsie ella, and number two HOLY SHIT ITS LIKE HALF AN HOUR TO CURTAIN I GOTTA GET DRESSED AND STRETCH! AND VOCAL WARM UPS!!"
before ben could utter out a single ," go and look it up the poor guy's head is spinning", Andrew and I were out of the room, walking down the hall to the boy's dressing room.
"hey guys-" i said, and stopped in my tracks when i saw who was inside the dressing room with the boys.
HEY GUYS! so, today is jeff's last day and im super sad:( but, i have mostly planned out this book, and the sequel! hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!
-beth 💘

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