chapter 6

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ella's pov

from:andrew 💘
do u wanna hang out today?

to: andrew 💘
can't, i have work and then marie and i are going to go do some touristy things together that we promised each other we would do when we were 13.

from: andrew 💘
awww fun! well, have fun you two, don't go flirting with any boys you meet, or ill have to come beat them up.

to: andrew 💘
so you mean bring jeremy and tommy and the others to come beat them up?

from: andrew 💘
whaaaaaaatttttttt? noooooooooo

to: andrew 💘
alrighty then, ill talk to you later a;)

from: andrew 💘
have fun el;)

I sat up in my window seat. I loved the bedroom in my apartment, it was extremely cozy. The colors were blue and purple, and I had a beautiful view of times square from my window seat. but right now wasn't really the time to stare out the window. I put on my black leggings and black shirt, and then my white chucks. I went into the bathroom and curled my hair, then put it half up half down. I put the top half into a mini bun, then walked out to the front of the apartment.
"going to work?" Marie asked. she asked from her seat on the couch.
"yep. you can invite garrett over while im gone, but he must leave before i come back, no boys are invited to our tourist adventures. " i told her, grabbing the travel mug of coffee she had made me and a piece of bacon.
"have fun!" she said, and i laughed. work was fun, but it was still work. as i was walking down the street to the bakery, I got a text from Kara.

from: kara📇📰
hey, do you and marie want to hang out today? we can go shopping!

to: kara 📇📰
no, sorry, we are going to go sightseeing. maybe tommorow!!

to: marie ❤️💙💛
can i invite kara to go sightseeing with us?

from: marie❤️💙💛
of course!! but remember, no boys 😘

to: kara📇📰
would you like to come with us to go sightseeing? we are having a girls day, and would love for you to join us!!

from: kara 📇📰
i would love to!! when should i be at your apartment?

to: kara📇📰
2:00 pm!! see you then!!

from: kara 📇📰

I walked into the small, warm bakery smiling.
"hello lela! good morning jon!" I called to the elderly couple who owned the bakery. they were in the back of the store, and I greeted them with a hug as I walked through the staff only door.
"how was your week sweetheart?" the older woman asked after pulling out of the hug.
" amazing!! what about you guys?"
" same old, same old. we had an extremely busy weekend, which was completely fine with us!" jon said. I smiled and said,
"yeah, my week was pretty busy too. my friend marie came in from michigan, so we did a bunch of things together." I put on my red apron and walked out to the counter of the bakery.
As the day went on, more and more people started to come in, buy a cup of coffee and a baked good, and then sit down to chat with one another. I loved the homey feeling that the bakery gave people, it was always such a warm and positive place.
I was turned around, making a cup of coffee for someone when I heard the bell on the door ring.
"welcome to lela's bakery! i will be with you in just a second." I said, putting the coffe jug down and handing the mug to a woman waiting at the counter.
"how may i help you?" I said to the person at the counter, before even looking up at who it was.
"not sure yet, what would you reccomended?" the person asked. As soon as I looked up, the person and I both started to laugh.
"garrett!! hey!!" I said, going to the front of the counter to hug the boy.
"hey ella, i didn't know you worked here!!" he said, hugging back.
" well i do!! i didn't know you come here! let me go tell lela i am going on my break, then i will get you what you want to eat, then we can sit down and chat!" i ran to the bakery kitchen and said,
"lela, im going to take my break? is that ok?" I asked, and heard a distant
"yes! ill be right out!" from the back of the kitchen.
I went out to the front again, got garrett his coffee and chocolate croissant, and then we sat down at a table by the window.
" and marie..." i said, smirking.
"yes. we have already established this. marrett." he said, looking a little annoyed.
"yeesh, you don't have to be bitter about it. it's a good thing! im glad my best friend is dating a nice guy, not some asshole who would ruin her life." i stated.
"im not bitter, and im glad you don't think im an asshole. i think? but i really really like marie. when i met her, something just clicked. on our date, it felt different than any other date i had been on. it felt...right." he said, smiling at the memory.
"as you probably heard when you and andrew were eavesdropping on our conversation, she really really likes you too. just don't screw with her emotions, or you are going to have to deal with me. she's like my sister, we are very protective of each other. but i trust you." I said, patting his hand.
"who's this?" lela came up to our table, smiling at garrett, "is this your boyfriend? i didn't know you had a boyfriend!"
"oh, no no, im actually her best friend's boyfriend and her boyfriend is one of my best friends. we are in the same broadway show." garrett said, and lela raised her eyebrows at me.
"you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend...hmm..." lela said, "well, ella, i was wondering if you could take five more minutes and then go back to working?"
"yeah, of course lela!" i replied, and finished talking to garrett before getting up and going back to work. the rest of my work day flew by, and soon marie and i were in a taxi on our way to the empire state building. we had gone shopping and to some other touristy places with kara, but she left to go home before we went to the last place on our list.
"woah. we have been planning this since we were 13. this is big."  i said, looking at her.
"this is huge. thank you. for sticking with me all this time." she said, squeezing my hand.
"always and forever." i said.
the rest of the night was one of the best i had had in a long time. marie and i lived the dream we had been dreaming of since the eighth grade. lots of people have told me that long distance friendships don't work out, that they will always end in fights and never go well. i have proved them wrong. best friends mean best friends, especially for marie and i. we will truly be best friends forever, as cheesy as it sounds.
hey guys! how has your week been? im going to try to get the next chapter done by tuesday, but please don't blame me if i can't work it out. but there will be lots of chapters over winter break so !!!
-beth ❤️

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