chapter 7

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*two weeks later*
ella's pov
the past two weeks have been some of the most amazing of my life. marie moved into my apartment for good, andrew and i have hung out either at the theatre or somwhere else almost every day, and things have been great. life is wonderful.
"hey, do you want to come with me to my parent's house on christmas eve? we are having dinner, and they would love to have you." andrew asked me. we were walking through central park, and it was the week of christmas.
"yeah, of course! i would love to! how about we have christmas brunch at marie and i's we can celebrate just the four of us." i said, the fourth person being garrett.
"that would be great! we are having dinner at ryan and tommy's( a/n: yes i know they don't/ didn't have an apartment together but let's pretend they do) though, right? gift exchange and everything?"he asked.
"yeah! wait, are we picking names today?" I asked, starting to panic.
"oh shit. at 12:00 at the theatre. be late and you don't get a name or any presents. bres learned that the hard way the first year." andrew flinched a little.
"a.... its 11:55.." i said, and we just looked at each other.
"run." he said, and we started sprinting toward the netherlander. we got inside and up the stairs to the dressing room just as the time on my phone changed from 11:59 to 12:00.
"wow. i thought you wouldn't make it!" garrett exclaimed.
"so did we." andrew gasped for air.
"ok, let's get the newsies 3rd annual (a/n: paper mill playhouse was one year, then one year on broadway b4 this one) gift exchange started! Basically, pick a name from the newsies hat and don't tell anyone who you got. you can spend however much you want on the person, so no limits. got it?" tommy said. everyone murmured a yes and tommy took a slip of paper out of the hat and passed it around the circle. I picked my paper out of the circle and read it.
ryan steele, it read.
"i can work with this." i said, laughing.
"shhhhhhhh." everyone said, and i stuck my tongue out at them.
"no one got themselves, right? ok good." tommy said, putting the hat that previously contained the names on his head.
"can i leave now?"ryan asked.
"what's your hurry?" ben asked, smirking at him.
"oh, uh, i have to run errands. so can i leave?" he stuttered.
"actually, ella and i have to run errands too, can we come with?" andrew asked. i realized what he was doing, and played along.
"i really need to get bananas for christmas brunch." i said.
"um, i don't think that...ok im not actually going shopping, im going to meet a girl." ryan reluctantly admitted.
"oooooo, ry ry's going on a date! what's her name?" bres asked. ryan shot a look at him.
"you need to shut up bres, you have a little girlfriend too. and the girl im going to see, her name is madelyn. what's YOUR girlfriends name bres?" ryan exclaimed.
"her name's clara. don't change the subject ryan, we are talking about your date right now." bres stated, and ryan huffed.
"im leaving. goodbye, see you tonight." ryan said, walking out of the room.
"we better get going too, i actually do need to get bananas. see you all later!! " i said, and pulled andrew out behind me.
"wait, you actually need to get bananas?" he asked.
"yeah! and strawberries, raspberries, apples, grapes...."

this chapter is dedicated to clara Fansie99 !! bres' girlfriend is based off of her! thanks for being so awesome clara! go read her stories!!!
-beth ❤️

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