chapter 3

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andrew's pov
to: ben📰
ben, idk what to do! i can't stop thinking about her.

from: ben 📰
why don't you just ask her out?

to: ben 📰
is it that easy?

from: ben 📰
just suck it up, and ask her out. today.

to: ben📰
are you sure? what if she says no?

from: ben 📰
have you seen the way she looks at you? she won't say no.

to: ben📰
thank you, ben. i owe you a million.

today was Saturday, the day I was going out for coffee with ella. i was so nervous to ask her out, but i wanted to do it more than anything. so, I had to suck it up. now- all i had to do was figure out what to wear.
ella's pov
to: marie ❤️💙💛

from: marie ❤️💙💛
i don't know? wear your striped shirt from brandy and jeans? and your boots!

to: marie ❤️💙💛
you are a genius

from: marie ❤️💙💛
well, i try

I didn't know why, but I was extremely nervous to go to coffee with Andrew. It's not like we hadn't hung out basically the entire afternoon and evening the other day, so why did this seem like such a big deal to me? I need bff support quick, but marie went out to breakfast with her cousin who lives here in the city, so i had to settle with texting her. My phone read: 8:20 am.
oh crap! i had to get to starbucks to meet andrew! i grabbed my phone and wallet and rushed out the door.
~ at starbucks~
i got to starbucks right at 8:30, since i had walked. andrew was already sitting at a table, looking kind of anxoiusly out the window. i wonder what that was about.
"hey a!" i said, walking up to the the table.
"hey el! i'm a now?" he said, smiling at me.
"as of now, yes." I laughed, " so, did you already order your drink?"
"no, i was waiting for you, i want to buy your drink." he said, starting to get up.
"no, you don't have to do that! ill buy mine, and yours, if you want." i said, holding him back.
"no, i refuse to not buy. c'mon, you can pay next time."
"you are assuming there will be a next time?" i asked, smirking.
"yes. now let me go buy our drinks. what do you want?" he asked, standing up.
"umm.... it's never quite too cold for a frappachino, but i guess I will have a peppermint mocha because i need coffee."
"good choice." he said, walking to the counter. when he left, i quickly slipped a five dollar bill to cover my drink in his bag, so he didn't notice. Then, I watched him order our drinks and wait for them. he was so adorable, just standing there waiting patiently for the drinks, and making small talk with the guy handing out the drinks. woah. am i falling for andrew? i think i am. big time, too.
andrew's pov
as i walked back to the table with our drinks, i thought about how i was going to ask ella out. should i just go and say it? or like say it a certain way? i might as well just see how it goes, i mean if she likes me she likes me, and if she doesn't she doesn't.
i sat back down at the table and ella took her warm drink into her hands.
"thank you so so much a." she said, breathing in the peppermint coffee scent.
"of course el." i said, smiling, "here, stay like that, but look up." I grabbed my phone and took a picture of her smelling the coffee with just her eyes peeking up. it was adorable.
"what is your instagram?" I asked innocently.
"you aren't going to post a picture of me are you?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.
"never. now what is it?"
"@ellathemusicalbug." she said, blushing. I smiled at her and then followed her on my Instagram. then I posted the picture I took of her with the caption:
coffee with this one ☕️💘@ellathemusicalbug

Then I tagged her in the picture and posted it. I started getting liked immediately, but I put my phone down and started talking to ella again. we talked about everything and anything, and there was never a dull point in the conversation. It was like we had been best friends for our entire lives. after we had talked for around two hours, I checked the time on my phone.
"holy crap, it's almost time for me to be at the theatre for rehearsal! wanna come with and watch?" i said, starting to stand up.
"yeah, sure, why not!" she stood up too, and we walked out of starbucks with our drinks in our hands.
ok andrew, you can do it. you can ask her out. do it right now, I thought.
"hey el, i have something to ask you." I said, mustering up my courage.
"yeah?" she said, looking at me.
"will you go out with me?be my girlfriend?"
ella's pov
"will you go out with me?be my girlfriend?" andrew asked. my mind started spinning. i want to say yes, i need to say yes, why can't i just say it then? i can't get the words out!
"y-yes, i would love to." I managed to stutter out. I couldn't believe he was asking me out, I was over the moon. He slipped my hand into his, we intertwined out fingers, and walked like that all the way to the theatre. we walked through the stagedoor and went up the stairs, and into andrew and ben's dressing room. ben was sitting in there, and when we walked in Ben looked up. His eyes widened when he saw our hands.
"ummmmmm..... should i leave?" he asked, eyeing andrew and i.
"no, no. um, i was just coming to put my stuff down, grab my water bottle and head out to rehearsal! ella is going to watch." andrew said, letting go of my hand for a second and putting his bag down on his side of the counter. he picked up his water bottle and all three of us walked out of the room, including Ben. Once we got to the stage, Andrew and I went down into the seats and Andrew went to tell the director something while I sat down.
"good news. you can stay and watch. i just wanted to check it with the director first before i just sat you down to watch. oh look!" he came over to me and said before jumping on the stage in delight.
"we're using our props! here's my crutch! "he exclaimed, picking up the crutch and walking around with it. i giggled, and then the director said,
"ok everyone, we are going to start off by running Carrying The Banner. Places!" everyone moved around on the stage to where they needed to be, and when the music started, I watched in amazement as they all sang and danced their hearts out. it was amazing to actually watch it, not just listen to it from andrew's dressing room. it didn't matter that they had no costumes on except their boots and newsboy caps, i was still completely immersed in the performance. andrew was an amazing crutchie, and i found myself beaming at every word he said. i was so lucky to be where i was right now.
after they finished carrying the banner, kara ran watch what happens. during that, the boys sat down in the seats, so on one side of me i had Andrew and on the other side was Garrett.
"so, ella, tell me your life story. anything you want. i love hearing people's stories." garrett said, once again putting his head on his hands and looking intently at me.
"you enjoy doing that, don't you." i smiled, pointing at his hands.
"yes, yes he does." all of the boys around me said at the same time garrett said,
"yes, yes i do."
I laughed, and ruffled his hair.
"i don't have much of a life story. anyways, you gotta get back up there soon, kara is almost done with her song."
"don't try to stall! but, you are right. you aren't getting away without telling me about yourself." garrett said, and i smiled.
"fine." i said, just as the director called,
"great job kara! ok, let's run seize the day!" all the boys got up from their seats, some running up the stairs to get onto the stage, others just jumping or hoisting themselves up onto it. the music started, and Ben started to sing. I was once again memorized by their performance, and could not take my eyes off of the stage. I found myself watching Andrew the most, though I tried to look at everything that was happening. when they finished, the director called,
"great job! let's run king of new york, then we can take a break!" andrew walked off the stage and came to sit down next to me.
"not in this number?" I asked, and he nodded.
"Not much of a dancer, I must say. Neither is crutchie, as you may be able to tell." he laughed.
"really? i had no idea?" i said. he put his hand into mine and held it while we watched the boys and kara sing and dance their hearts out once again. the rest of the rehearsal was so much fun, and it included me being taught some of the katherine dances, attempting to tap dance king of new york on stage while wearing garrett's tap boots, and just having fun with my friends. i stayed backstage for the show again, and went out to dinner with the guys and andrew after they stagedoored. it was the best day i had had in a long time, and i was so lucky to be experiencing what i was.
A/N :
hey! so I am extremely sad right now, because JEFF IS LEAVING THE TOUR:((((I was so excited to meet him, and now he is leaving¿¡ i really hope that no one else (especially zsayle) leaves before May! do you guys want me to write a book about the touring newsies as well? comment what you think! have a happy thanksgiving everyone!

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