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"Shoot," I said quietly to myself as all my textbooks fell off of my dresser. Rubbing the spot on my calf where my leg had hit the dresser drawer, I quickly gathered the tornado of notebook paper and heavy books from the floor into my teal and gold shoulder bag.

My phone alarm went off for the third time, telling me that I was officially 5 minutes late for 1st period.

"Shoot," I said again, louder this time. I switched off my phone and ran downstairs to the kitchen for an apple and my car keys. My dad was sitting at the dining room table reading his latest case from the office.

"Haven't even been 16 for a week and you're already late for school?" He asked calmly, not even looking up from his papers.

"Don't tell Mom! I yelled over my shoulder as I flew out the door. I arrived at my first period as soon as the clock hit 8:15.

"Sorry Ms. Johnson, I woke up late," I whispered hastily. She nodded still typing away on her laptop. It was a rare occasion for her to look up from that screen of hers. I went over to the rack holding my half finished canvas and the paint I'd mixed the Friday before. Unwrapping the foil, I placed my things on an easel next to my best friend Cather Green.

She leaned over and whispered, "Wow, what a responsible driver arriving 15 minutes late on her first Monday driving to school."

"Hey," I replied just as quietly. "I only woke up late." I smiled a little and added some grey and blue strokes to the lake that was being featured in my landscape painting. I was pretty good at art, but we could definitely use a teacher that didn't give us nature assignments day after day. One can only paint a lake so many different ways.

Cather continued quickly, trying to say as much as she could as usual. "Ok," she began. "Well you totally missed something huge before the bell rang, Lyn. You're gonna flip out!" her voice quickly escalated to her preppy (and very loud) cheerleader voice.

"Ladies in the back, unless you two are at one of your cheerleader practice things, I don't want to hear your voices," said Ms. Johnson while she typed rapidly. Her eyes never blinked once as she stared at the computer screen.

After working silently for a few minutes, Cather continued her story.

"So I totally know you're gonna have a heart attack when I tell you this, cause like, I totally 100% did too. But anyways, know Colton Smith right?"

I smirked and looked over at her. When she got really excited like this, she often forgot the most simple facts about the person she was talking to...or about. In this case, she seemed to have forgotten that of course I know Colton. He's the most popular sophomore in the school, and I've only had a gigantic crush on him since the 5th grade.

"Yes, Cath. I know Colton," I whispered slowly.

"Oh, duh." She giggled. "Sorry, I knew that. I'm just so excited. Right, anyway, so Courtney broke up with him this morning! She did it in front of like the whole school in the cafeteria, and she was all like, 'You have no interest in me anymore, I feel like you always choose your dumb friends over me' and she was flipping her new blonde extensions like all over the pl-"

"Wait WHAT?!?" I yelled.


Instantly, the whole class turned to look at me, and Ms. Johnson even looked up from her laptop. I flinched under her intense glare.

"Sorry?" I said sheepishly. Ms. J cleared her throat and looked at me over the top of her granny glasses.

"I hardly believe your canvas painting has given you any reason to yell, Brooklyn, so please won't you tell the class what it was Cather over there was telling you about?"

I shifted in my seat trying to think of a believable story. I'm such a horrible liar.

"Oh, that." said Cather nonchalantly. "I was just telling Lyn that I used her toothbrush Saturday, and then accidentally dropped it in the toilet."

I blushed even harder than I already was, and feebly nodded along as the rest of the class burst into laughter. Even Ms. Johnson's upper lip twitched. Thankfully, she seemed to think I'd had enough embarrassment, and motioned for me to keep working.

I looked over at Cather. "Your welcome" she mouthed, smirking. I pinched her side, and smirked when she got paint on her finger nail as she jerked away.

Yeah. Thanks.

Miracle Girl [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now