Just The Begining

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Over the next few weeks Colton and I became the talk of the school. Colton was alright with the gossip, since he was always at the heart of it in some way or another. I however, was having some trouble finding a way to be comfortable under the constant glares of the other girls who had wanted my spot. Colton was always there to be beside me, though.

He was always waiting for me outside of class, and he would chat with Leo while he was waiting for me to come out. I had noticed lately that Leo and Cath were getting closer, and Colton also suspected that they were going to be in a relationship soon. We had decided not to say anything to them, in case they were still confused about their feelings. That Friday morning, 3 weeks since our first movie date, I got a text from Colton during my last period.

Colton: Hey can't meet you after class, but come out to my car after school. Im taking you home

Me: What about my car? I dont wanna leave it here all night

Usually Colton would pick me up in the mornings if he was planning on dropping me off at home on a school night. This was weird. What was he doing that made him so busy today?

Colton: got the keys from your locker and parked it at your house. I got you babe ;)

I smiled down at my phone. He was so thoughtful.

"Brooklyn, phone away or it's mine," called the teacher from the front of the room. I put the phone away amid the snickers of the other students. Courtney made hers especially loud and obnoxious.

"Think you can get away with anything now that you have Colton, huh" she whispered from her seat directly behind me. I ignored her. If there was one downside to being with Colton,it was this. Her torment had just begun, and I had a nasty feeling it would only get worse.

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