Confidence is Key

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"OMG, it's fate," said Cather as I drove to the mall. I had just finished telling her and Leo about what had happened in language arts.

"Totally," Leo agreed from the backseat.

"How so?" I questioned, actually interested in what he had to say.

"He just happens to get dumped by his girlfriend of 4 years, and then he gets partnered with the cutest little cheerleader in school," Leo says dramatically.

"Excuse me?" Cather said, "I cheer too."

Leo waved his hand dismissively towards the passenger seat. "Yeh," he mumbled. Cath huffed loudly and turned to look out the window. He continued, "But anyway, come on Lyn, you two are meant to be. And he literally caught you right out of nowhere just before you hit the ground? Ugh, that is goals."

I laughed, still too caught up in memories from the event to reply. Honestly, even I couldn't deny the fact that he seemed a little interested. But I had decided that instead of dwelling on it, I would continue to be myself and let things move along naturally. Why not? It worked great for me today. Maybe we could really be together, and I wouldn't end up getting hurt. As long as he makes the first move, then I won't have any doubt about his feelings, and I'll have no reason to say no. It was a fool-proof plan.

I pulled into the parking lot of the town mall, still stuck in my mental replay of last period. Just as we were getting out of the car, I looked across the lot and saw Hunter, Colton , and a few of the other football players walking towards the main entrance. I felt my heart skip a beat. Maybe two. As Colton held the door open for the rest of the guys, he looked ahead, right into my eyes.

Instead of looking away like I would have done before last period, I smiled. The wind blew his hair across his forehead, stopping just above his eyebrows, and he smiled back. His eyes crinkled around the center, and he mouthed "Hi." I waved back, closing the door to my car.

I watched as a few seconds after all of his friends had entered, Hunter reached out of the building and shoved his shoulder. Colton broke eye contact with me and shoved Hunter back. He grinned at me one more time before turning and entering the mall.

OMG!! That just happened.

"Did you just see how he, like, completely forgot where he was just then?!" Cath practically yelled at me. Then to Leo she said, " Did you see that? It was so obvious he was thinking about coming over and talking to her but then that idiot Hunter got in his way... come on, we can probably still catch him!" She grabbed my arm and lead me towards the doors. I laughed at her intensity.

Colton Smith had just looked at me the way I'd always dreamed he would...

"OK, OK hold on a minute girls," Leo sashayed in front of us and turned to face me dramatically.

"So, if this boy finally asks you out, will you say yes, or nah? Because for the past few years , your number one fear was you putting yourself out there, and getting turned away. So, before you walk your cute little butt in there, you need to decide if you're gonna face your fear and go for it. Cause this guy doesn't need to be led on. What do you want?"

I thought for a moment. I have loved Colton for 5 years. I've never talked to him because I was terrified of rejection. But today, I felt comfortable, and happy around him. He even expressed A LOT of interest in me. Could I trust myself to go for it, and finally do what will make me happy?

I nodded at Leo. "I want him."

He smiled devilishly and snapped his fingers with his arm high over his head as he turned around and began his supermodel walk. "Well lets go then ladies," he called over his shoulder. "Lyn's got a man to catch."

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