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**Thanksgiving Break!!! This means more updates and A LOT of surprises. I initially wrote the next three sections as a whole part, but it ended up being way too long, so the next few parts will all take place on the same day, chronologically. Thanks for all the votes and keep reading!


When I got home, I greeted my mom and dad and jogged upstairs.

"How was school, Lyn?" my mom yelled from the kitchen where she was making dinner.

"Pretty good Mom" I said back right before I shut the door to my room.

My room was 'pretty tumblr' as Leo said it, with light blue walls and black frames with pictures of my friends and I in different areas like the woods or the state fair. Beside my door hung a Justin Bieber poster. I didn't care what anybody said...his rebellion is just a phase and I will always support him no matter what. The rest of my room consisted of a blue and green stripped comforter with blankets, 4 posters of some bands I listen to, and white Christmas lights strung around the ceiling, strung to light up when I cut my main light off. 

I walked to the blue framed mirror hanging on my door and looked at myself. I was still trying to absorb all that had happened today. Never in a million years had I imagined that this could happen to me. Colton was the kind of person that stood out in a crowd, and everyone wanted to get to know him. I observed my very plain, thick, wavy brown hair and light blue/grey eyes that appeared even lighter against my tan skin. I hated the way my eyes looked ghostly every time I went outside and they reflected the sunlight. I had nothing special about my body either...I had a flyer's body. Short (5'1) and light. I had plenty of friends, but nobody turned to stare every time I walked into a room. I was the exact opposite of Colton. Yet he had an interest in me.

It had all happened so fast. It felt like we'd been talking for weeks, but it had all just started 4 hours ago. How had all of my dreams come true in just one day? I smiled at myself Justas my laptop lit up with a notification for an instant message. I walked over to see 'Courtney Wil-Bay has sent you a message'.

Miracle Girl [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now