Paper Towns

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*SOOOO sorry I haven't updated in 5ever!!! Finals week was crazy, but it's officially Christmas Break!! Thanks fora ok the reads u received while I was away and new chapters will be back to back now that I have the time. Stay tuned for more Courtney V Brooklyn drama ;) She won't let Colton get away that easily....

We decided to watch Paper Towns at the theater. It had been out for a while, but in our town the theater kept the movies playing longer than normal to make sure our small population gets to view it as much as they like. Colton made a face when I first suggested it, but since all the other movies were corny comedies or elementary cartoons, we had no choice. We got seats near the middle of the theater, with a perfect view of the screen. Since no one was in front of us Colton had his feet propped up on the seat in front of him.
The movie began with Q talking about miracles, and at the scene where young Q and Margo find a dead body, Colton reached over and took my hand which was resting in my lap. We sat that way the rest of the movie, and I couldn't concentrate on anything other than the way he slowly stroked the back of my hand with him thumb.
After a while our hands got a little sweaty, but he didn't let go. The movie ended, and honestly I was a little disappointed at the ending. However, if you're reading this story I won't mention why..
"Miracles" said Colton as he started his car.
"I wonder what mine will be. If everyone really does get a miracle," I replied.
"I know what mine is," he said simply.
I looked over at him, expecting him to elaborate. What was Colton's miracle?  But he stayed silent, and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek as he dropped me off at my house. My stomach flipped over.
"I would kiss you on the lips, but that moment is going to be special." he whispered, and winked one green eye at me.
I grinned and nodded.
"Thanks for the movie,"
"Anything for you," he said. 
I walked up to my front door and noticed he didn't drive away until I had unlocked and opened the door. That was nice...
"He seems like a nice gentleman," my dad said from the living room couch.

Miracle Girl [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now